


同时,我也读了《连线》这本书,这是一个激发人们对鼓励创造力和培养参与的公民之间关系的启发性的呼吁。从这本书中David Gauntlett认为,通过人与世界的相互联系和创造。在线和离线我们看到人们想要在世界崭露头角,做连接,我们需要提及的最重要的因素是,我们看到了一个从“坐等被告诉文化”到“制造和做文化”的转变,人们摒弃了传统的教学和电视制作自己的学习和娱乐而不是。利用心理学、政治学、哲学和经济学的证据,他显示了这种转变对于现代社会的幸福和生存是必要的和必要的(戴维,2011)。


For the research I have used secondary data collection methods. University library was used for finding different articles, journals, images and websites for the report. Articles were read that included components like: introducing the history of the bridge, the structural features of it, the design rationale about it and how it work and so on. Types of bridges were explored and it was evaluated that there are five main kinds of bridges: the truss bridge, the arch bridge, the suspension bridge, the cantilever bridge and the cable-stay bridge. Certainly different kinds of bridge have their own special structure and shape. As we all know that bridges are structures built to allow people and vehicles to pass over something else which they are also built over water and designed with geometric shapes yet little is known about those kinds of shapes are used to will support the weight as the structure is made up three main parts: Beams, Member, Joint which is provide the strength and stability.

Meanwhile I also read the book making is connecting which is an inspired call to recognize the relationship between encouraging creativity and fostering an engaged citizenry. From this book David Gauntlett argues that through making things people engage with the world and create connections with each other. Both online and offline we see that people want to make their mark on the world and to make connections the most important factor we need to mention is that we are seeing a shift from a ‘sit-back-and-be-told culture’ to a ‘making-and-doing culture’, people are rejecting traditional teaching and television and making their own learning and entertainment instead. Drawing on the evidence from psychology, politics, philosophy and economics he has shown how this shift is necessary and essential for the happiness and survival of modern societies (David, 2011).



