






案例研究2 -德国电影:

1918年至1930年间的魏玛电影就是一个很好的例子来证明这样的电影能更好地说明国家身份(Kracauer, 2004)。它引入了德国表现主义运动。如果没有拍摄,就不可能在第一次世界大战之后展示这个国家的艺术、音乐和文化。这部电影还呈现了新的形态和现代主义视角的运动。Caligari博士的内阁是另一部讲述美国人民性格的电影。

案例研究3 -英国电影:

哈默恐怖工作室过去制作了超过9部电影(1958-74年),所有的电影都反映了整个社会和国家。首先,影片的设置与导演试图改变和展示文化发展的过程是不一样的。虽然《吸血鬼》系列有高度的恐惧和不确定性,但他们也向观众讲述了国家身份,维多利亚时代对科学、权威和价值观的迷恋。这些人物的选择是这样的,社会差异明显地投射到观众身上。男性是权威的,大多数属于上层阶级或中产阶级(Maxford, 1996)。这表明人民的社会地位有差异。电影制作的现实方法是持续成功的原因。



电影在很大程度上影响了观众的视角和行动。过去的恐怖电影也引起了大众的关注,不是因为电影类型,而是因为故事情节和对国家的重要信息。Julia Kristeva的恐怖力量是另一个例子,在这个例子中,女人被描绘成怪物,这种表现影响了那个国家的人们所看到的女人的身份。

当恐怖电影只被视为主流时,来自德国和澳大利亚的恐怖电影也试图通过表现主义运动获得认可。这些运动使人们了解了各国的文化和社会基础设施。它还要求支持发展这个国家。从“俄罗斯人即将到来”的谈话中,我们可以了解到本•彼得森(Ben Peterson)观察到的一个女孩的本质。犯罪发生在社会中,会对国家的身份和女孩的反应产生影响。



Horror films had its roots from the cave paintings in late 18th century which projected frightening sculptures that placed Sublime canvas population in fear. There are several films in the horror genre that stand to demonstrate national identity and project significance of such movies in the mainstream cinema.
Horror films and national identity
Case study 1:
Frankenstein is one such example that states the crisis of modernity and the way the frightening creature solves them. It is an evidence to inform that the nation is experiencing problems in morality and ethics.
Case study 2 – Germany Movie:
Weimer films between 1918 and 1930 were wonderful examples to assert the point that such films spoke better about national identity (Kracauer, 2004). It had introduced the movement on German expressionism. If it was not filmed, it would not have been possible to show the art, music and culture of the country after the First World War. The film also featured new shapes and the movement towards modernistic perspectives. Cabinet of Dr Caligari is yet another movie that speaks a lot about the character of people in the nation.
Case study 3 – UK Movie:
Hammer Horror studio had produced over 9 films in the past (1958-74) and all the movies were reflections of society and nation on the whole. First of all, the setup was not the same in the films as the director had tried to change and display the cultural development. Though the Dracula series had high degrees of fear and uncertainty, they also had informed the audience about national identity, fascination of Victorians on science, authority and values. The characters were chosen in such a way that the social differences were clearly projected to the viewers. The males were authoritative and most of them belonged to upper class or middle class (Maxford, 1996). This showed that there was a difference in the social statuses of the people. The realistic approach towards filmmaking was the reason for continued success.
Importance of national identity through films
Films largely influenced the audience in their perspectives and actions. Horror films in the past have also gained attention from the masses not because of the genre but due to the storyline and their crucial message to the nation. Powers of Horror by Julia Kristeva are yet another example where woman is portrayed as monstrous and this representation affects the identity of woman as seen by people in that nation.

When horror movies were only regarded as mainstream, horror films from Germany and Australia also attempted to gain recognition through the expressionism movements. Such movements informed people of the cultural and social infrastructure of the countries. It also demanded for support to develop the nation. It is possible to gain insights from “The Russians are coming” note where it speaks about the nature of a girl who is observed by Ben Peterson. The crime is happening in the society which can have an impact on the national identity and the reaction of a girl.
Soon after the Hammer movies hit the scenes and created a revolution, horror films were also utilized as a medium to professionally convey the crisis or wellbeing of the society. This has been used as an expression for other countries to gain insights.



