

本篇王文章主要讲移民人口增长,自20世纪80年代末以来,国际移民一直是全球化进程中最具争议的话题。根据国际货币基金组织的报告,目前国际移民占世界总人口的3%,自1960年以来增长了三倍。全球金融危机进一步导致了移民率的增加(哈顿,T. M. M.)。, &威廉姆森,J。,2010)。最近的移徙趋势表明,移徙者从发展中国家迅速转移到发达国家。近年来,发达国家拥有全球一半以上的移民,欧洲和北美已成为受欢迎的移民地区。本篇爱丁堡论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

International migration has been the most debated topic through which globalization has taken place since the late 1980’s. International migrant today constitute 3% of world’s total population which has increased three fold since 1960 according to the report of IMF. The global financial crisis has further led to increase in the rate of migration (Hatton, T. M., & Williamson, J., 2010). Recent trends in migration suggest that migrants move rapidly from developing countries to developed economies.In the recent years, advanced countries have more than half of the global migrants, and Europe and North America have become popular recipient regions.
Year 2013 saw almost equal south-north and south-south migration. Developing countries in Asia are the important countries that act as a source of world migration whilethey also act as recipient countries. In some countries like Qatar, population of migrant is more than 70%. However, the data includes both economic migrants and refugees.The population of international migrants is around 232 million in the world today. In the global north the number of international migrants has grown by 53 million (65%) since 1990 while in global south their number has risen by 24% (34%) over the past years (Table 1). The average annual growth rate of migrant population in global south was 2.5% per annum between 2000 and 2010 while in global north it was 2.3%, however since 2010 it had declined to 1.5% in developed countries and 1.8% in developing.
Of the total international migrant, individuals in the working age group are more in number. Around 80% of migrant moving across international borders lies between the ages of 15-64 during the period of 2013. Younger age individuals can derive maximum benefit as they can stay longer. Moreover, with increasing age, the propensity to migrate decreases (Margheritis, Ana., 2011).
The percent of migrant with higher levels of education have found more opportunities across the national borders in the recent years from the perspective of recipient countries. As a result, the source countries had encountered the effect of brain drain, as skilled and educated population tends to migrate to developed regions of the world. Consequently,immigration rates of low skilled labour have become quite low as compared to highly skilled labour. However, the increase in the attainment of education over the past years has mitigated the effect of brain drain in the source countries up to some extent.




