




As stated in Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory, the development of an individual involves four stages which include the growth from an infant to an adult. The key elements of these stages can be easily used to make kids better learners and teach them new things in a more effective manner. Piaget’s theory demonstrates how parents and teachers can help kids develop with real life interactions and experiences. As infants in their Sensory-motor stage learns basically through physical experiences, it is better to make them learn via trial and error scheme. Hence, providing a stimulating environment and letting him play with blocks, rattles or playing pee-a-boo are effective techniques to enhance their motor skills. As the kid enters the concrete operational stage, it is to teach them via real life experiences like field trips, 3D models, historical timelines and simple scientific and art experiments. It is also important not to provide the child with a large number of variables.
The experiments should have limited steps and books should have limited characters. As an individual enters formal operational stage, the teaching concepts and techniques of visual aids should be slowly transformed into more sophisticated and complex use of pie charts, graphs and diagram. As far as emotional development is concerned, it is required that the educators and parents adopt critical techniques to let their child grow emotionally. The kids should be made positive for their future. The parents and the teachers must let the kids understand that emotions should be handled appropriately and stay strong in different situations. This essay discussed the cognitive and emotional development in the children. There are various stages and concepts of Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory of how an individual’s cognitive structure develops from mere reflexes to well constructed schema through the sensori-motor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational stages and through recurrent processes of assimilation and adaptation.




