



根据他们的年龄组,属于这一代的人受到的影响要大得多,因为他们对正品的渴望,这也可能是属于X一代的人共鸣的一些现实事件(Williams et al, 2011)。尼尔森广告效果分析执行副总裁Joe statement表示,这一代人知道自己想要什么样的产品,最重要的是知道自己是什么。X一代可以很容易地识别哪些产品对他们有用,以及X一代的人可以识别的现实的活动。这个时代的人与另一代人相比没有个人身份。这一代人被夹在传统年龄群体和数字时代的群体之间。对于这一代人来说,市场营销的过程可能会很艰难,因为很多人不喜欢把自己当作人口统计数据。


Generation X includes the people belonging to the age group who were born between 1980s and 1990s. The tendency of the Generation X is that they are affluent, they tech savvy and they are loyal towards a specific brand. The buying potential of generation X people is different from the other generations. This includes the demographic of consumers who may be aged in 35 to 54. According to the research conducted by Nielsen, it has been found that both men and women of Gen X show a difference in comparison to Generation Y. Though Generation X comes up as the stark contrast with generation Y, they are much more subtle in comparison to the males and females aged from 13 to 34. The people aged in 13-34 like to have a safer and calmer approach to advertising. The women belonging to Generation X are connected more and more by the use of different sentimental milestone events such as getting the license of the driver, or an advertisement which consists of wedding of a family member or an advertisement which creates an emotional appeal.Men belonging to this generation use a much more directed approach in this segment including cars and other sports such that it affects their sensibility.

According to their age group, the people belonging to this generation are much more affected because of their desire for the authentic product which may also feature a number of realistic events resonated by the people belonging to Generation X (Williams et al, 2011). According to the Joe statement, EVP of Advertisement Effectiveness Analysis for Nielsen, the people of this generation know what kind of products they want and most importantly what they are. Gen X can easily identify which products are useful for them and the realistic campaign which the people belonging to Gen X can identify. The people belonging to this age do not have an individual identity in comparison to the other generation. This is the generation which has been caught between the traditional age groups and the ones which are the part of the digital age. The process of marketing for the people belonging to this generation can be tough as many of the people do not like to think about themselves as demographics.



