


Caplan(2003)提供了在组织中使用辅导计划的另一个例子,他观察到,组织往往会从辅导计划中获得巨大的好处,辅导计划在外部环境中有规律的变化。BBC的案例描述了剧组人员在工作中经常要面对的快节奏的环境。为了提高新闻报道员工的技能,公司成功实施了培训计划。但是,必须看到,员工可能不会立即接受培训计划。实施过程遭到BB员工的抵制;然而,一旦告知发展中国家对其积极方面的认识之后,反对意见就降低了。最后,它被新闻记者所接受,他们认为这是一个有用的工具,在发展有效的技能建设,并把它作为一个机会(Garman 2000)。也正是在呼叫中心的背景下,教练是适用的,其中管理处理的问题,如低动机,低士气和巨大的流动率。
单调的日常工作、严密的监控和高压力是造成这些问题的部分偶然因素。然而,这些困难的根源也可以归因于个人或专业发展机会有限。在呼叫中心工作人员中,缺乏承诺和技能被有效的培训工具所克服(Stone 2007)。在教练的过程中没有固有的缺点。但是,如果组织没有很好地集成和处理,就可能会出现问题。例如,一个辅导课程未能解决技能发展领域的问题,可能是由于提供辅导而没有对所需的和当前的技能进行完整的分析。结果,组织将其资源投入到失败的培训尝试中。此外,由于无法认识到培训的障碍,本组织的效率可能受到阻碍。Caplan(2003)曾讨论过保诚呼叫中心的案例,管理层采用严格标准化的方法来指导员工改善与消费者的互动。


Caplan (2003) offered another example of usefulness of coaching program in an organization and he observed that organizations tend to gain massive benefits out of the coaching programs that operate in an environment which is marked by regular shifts in the external environment. The fast paced environment which the crew has to face regularly in their jobs is depicted by the case of BBC. It was for the purpose of enhancing the skills of news reporting employees that the company successfully implemented the coaching program. But, it must be seen that the employees might not immediately accept the coaching programs. The implementation was resisted by the employees of the BB; however the opposition was lowered once the developing awareness regarding the awareness about its positive aspects were told. Finally, it was accepted by the news reporters and they regarded it as a useful tool in development of effective skill building and took it as an opportunity (Garman 2000). It is also in the context of call centres that coaching is applicable wherein the management deals with the issues like low motivation, low morale and a huge turnover ratio.
Monotonous routine, close monitoring and high stress is the part of the casual factor of these issues. Nonetheless, the root of these difficulties could also be attributed to the limited chances of personal or professional development. Among call centre workers the lack of commitment and skills was overcome by the effective tool of coaching (Stone 2007). In the process of coaching there are no inherent disadvantages. But, there could be problems in an organization if it is poorly integrated and handled. For example, a coaching session which fails to address the areas of skill development could be a result of offering coaching without a complete analysis of the required and current skills. The organization as a result ends up investing its resources into an unsuccessful attempt of coaching. Moreover, the effectiveness of the organization could be hindered by the inability to recognize the obstacles to coaching. The case of Prudential Call Centre has been discussed by Caplan (2003) wherein a rigidly standardized approach was adopted by the management to coach the employees to improve their interaction with the consumers.



