

安吉麗娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)的《難民苦難的新水平》(A New Level of Refugee Suffering)。在這篇專欄文章中,美國著名影星之一、聯合國難民事務高級專員特使安吉麗娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)發表了自己的看法。她也是預防性暴力倡議的聯合創始人,分享了她對難民營中人們的經歷和想法。流離失所的人們正在尋找一種安全的生活方式,他們正在向他們至少可以生活和工作謀生的國家移動。在黎巴嫩,每四個人中就有一個敘利亞人,他們正在努力獲得食物和住所。這意味著鄰國沒有足夠的設施來養活自己的人口。

據安吉麗娜·朱莉說,“會見伊拉克難民後,對人民說了一些同情和積極的話(凱特琳2002)。但在訪問敘利亞難民營我說不出話來,因為它是有史以來最糟糕的狀況,我經歷過在我的生命中,當訪問敘利亞的帳篷裡第一個帳篷裡有一個女人她的女兒手中的伊斯蘭人,她說這是更好的,如果他們強姦並跟踪我,至少我可以和我的女兒住”。作者在專欄中分享了許多故事,展現了難民營中人們的不同處境。這表明有必要幫助這些人暫時生活得更好,以便他們能夠在更健康的條件下回到自己的國家。像美國這樣的國家應該採取強有力的措施,摧毀那些在自己國家製造戰爭條件的罪犯和國家,這樣人類才能生存(Barron, 2009)。


“A New Level of Refugee Suffering,” by Angelina Jolie.In the op-ed Angelina Jolie, one of the famous stars of America, who is also a special envoy for United Nations high commissioner for refugees? She is also the co-founder of prevention sexual violence initiative has shared her experiences and thoughts about the people who are living in the refugee camps. The people who are displaced from their homes and finding the way to live a safe life are moving towards the countries where they can at least live and work for their livings. In Lebanon after every four persons there is a Syrian and they are striving to get the food to eat and shelter to live. This means that the neighboring nations do not own that much facility they could even feed their own population. It is the responsibility of the countries which are worthy and wealthy enough to help those countries so that they could feed the population better and also the refugees who living in those nations. After experiencing different visits in the Iraq war refugee camps she came up with the facts that they are living in worst conditions.

According to Angelina Jolie, “after meeting the Iraqi refugees said some words of sympathy and pro-activeness to the people (Caitlin 2002). But after visiting the Syrian refugee camps I am speechless because it is the worst ever condition which I have experienced in my life, when visited the tents of Syrian in the first tent there is one woman who has her daughter in the hands of Islamic people and she said that it was better if they raped and shadowed me at least I could live with my daughter”.There are many of the stories which have been shared in the op-ed by the writer which shows different situation of the people who are living in the refugee camps. This shows that there is need to help those people to live better for the time so that they could move back to their countries in healthier conditions. The countries like America should take a strong hold and destroy those criminal people and nations which are creating the condition of war in their own nations so that humanity can survive (Barron, 2009).



