

本篇文章讲的是不同国情下的发的标准,专制主义是帝国主义道德主义的指导思想。这个理论是以有问题的原则为基础的。绝对主义者相信真理是单一的。只有一组概念可以表达这些真理(Walsh 2007)。此外,他们可能在世界各地呼吁采取同样的行为。本篇伯明翰论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Absolutism is the guiding theory behind imperialism of ethicality. This theory is on the basis of problematic principles. There is belief by the absolutists that the list of truths is single. Only a single set of concepts can express these truths (Walsh 2007). Moreover, they can be calling across the world, the identical behaviour.
The initial problem can be clashing with a general belief held by many that there should be respect for various cultural traditions. There are certain cultures, where the ethical behaviour’s foundation with respect to society, organization, or family is the loyalty to the community. For instance, Japan has been defining business ethics with respect to loyalty of the employees towards their organizations, their network of business, and their country. However, in American culture, the value of liberty is placed at a higher level than the value of loyalty (Morehead et al. 1997). The American tradition related to the rights stressed on individual freedom, fairness, and equality. It is difficult to be concluding that the truth can be placed on either of the sides. However, absolutists would be selecting only one. Another problem related absolutism is the assumption that the expression of the people in relation moral truths is the usage of concepts involving only one set. This essentially means that there should be ignoring of the cultural traditions entirely. The right as a notion has the involvement with augment of democracy in Europe in the era of post-Renaissance and U.S., although this is unfound in the traditions of Buddhism and Confucian. The ethics can be found in a specific culture’s context, while the principle’s power has deep tie with their expression and way it is being done. The moral principles that are accepted internationally, such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights of United Nation, has been drawing traditions of various religion and cultures. The next problem associated with the absolutism is the trust in the ethical behaviour’s international standard. The ethical practice must be shaped by the context. For instance, in the developed countries, the consideration of unethical practice includes very low salary. However, in the developing countries, the acceptance of low salary can be considered as improvement in living standards with encouragement of investment (Donaldson and Dunfee 1994). This in developing countries can be an act of ethicality. Similarly, in the events of starvation or malnourishment of the people, it can be ethical for the government for using extra fertilizer for improving yields of the crop. However, in the advanced countries using more fertilizer denotes producing higher level of water thermal pollution.




