


社会主义的堕落和共和国创始人孙中山制定的共和国政策处于历史最低点(Wu, 2014)。这一时期的问题是国民党越来越受到人民的反对。国民党在很多方面都导致了自身的堕落,这一点在电影中得到了体现。电影用简单的对话表达了这一点。然而,这是一个仔细观察的事实,如果你读中国内战的历史。人物代表中所描绘的领袖人物是根据他们的相似之处而选出的。扮演毛的演员表现出一种知识分子的外表,同样地,蒋也被塑造成一个有权势的人,他也很聪明。他足够聪明,能够意识到自己正在慢慢输给毛泽东。这部电影试图使角色人性化。当读者阅读一本关于领导者的书或文学作品时,他们可能会欣赏的是这个概念。读者可以了解政治意识形态等。事实上,他们被这些意识形态所感动,去建构个人。然而,在电影中,人们能够欣赏领导者背后的人或人。


The degeneration of socialism and the policies for the republic as set by the founder of the republic Sun yet Sen was at an all-time low (Wu, 2014). The problems in this time were that KMT was increasingly gaining opposition from the people. In many ways KMT was leading to its own degeneration and this aspect is captured in the movie. The movie shows this in simple dialogue delivery. However, this is a carefully observed truth if one was to read the history of the Chinese Civil war. The leaders as portrayed in the character representation have been chosen for the likeness that they share. The actor portraying Mao is one that shows an intellectual appearance and similarly Chiang is also presented as a powerful person, who is also intelligent. He is intelligent enough to appreciate that he is slowly losing the game to Mao Zedong. The movie attempts to humanize the characters. What a reader might appreciate when reading a book or literature on the leaders is that of the concept. The readers can understand political ideologies and more. In fact, they are moved to construct the individual from these ideologies. However, in the movie, one is able to appreciate the person or the human behind the leader.
This is apparent in the ways the bombing of the hideout of Mao is shown. The ruthlessness of individuals such as the son of the leader of the KMT, the KMT officers and more are presented in their time. Only when watching the movie, one is able to appreciate the authority that goes with these officers.The movie is also supported with some elements from contemporary history. In Asian studies, we learn history and understand the impacts and its relevance to the contemporary times. This is an interesting perspective that has been taken in the movie. The credits portray contemporary China and incidents of contemporary China. In addition, the movie also makes use of primary sources. The nature of any historical writing is that it must be rooted in the facts of the times. In this movie, the documentary footage method has been used to present some primary evidence. The rally in Tiananmen Square (Oct. 1, 1949) is presented. This was when the PRC was declared as having been found by the Communist party leader Mao. However, overuse of documentary has been avoided as this would make the movie more documentary style. They have been used sparingly only to support some of the main event captures made in the movie.




