

沃達丰用“動物園”這個詞來形容那些身體和腦袋都鼓起來的白色生物。 ZooZoo的廣告是沃達丰最成功的營銷活動之一(Gupta, 2012)。每一個動物園的廣告都有一個故事。這些動物是真正的人類,他們穿著服裝。它就像一個半人類的生物,大聲笑,大聲哭,周圍也有孩子般的單純。為了成功啟動Zoozoo活動,超過3000萬英鎊用於廣告宣傳和營銷活動。該活動在傳統市場和社交媒體上都引起了巨大反響。它的Facebook頁面上有大約200萬用戶,而且這個數字還在增長。除此之外,沃達丰的Facebook粉絲頁面瀏覽量約為260萬。沃達丰發起的廣告宣傳活動有很多經濟方面的觀點。該公司自過去以來一直在經營的環境被稱為寡頭壟斷。這是一種獨具特色的市場結構。這樣一個市場上的賣家很少。

除此之外,它還具有相互獨立性。這是一個市場,每個賣家都試圖超越另一個賣家。除此之外,在這樣一個市場中,存在著一場巨大的價格戰。 Zoozoo是創新和吸引人的營銷策略的一部分,旨在拋棄沃達丰競爭對手所實施的策略。這家公司在寡頭壟斷的市場上工作,那裡的賣家很少。同時,在這樣一個市場中,買方數量龐大(Kumar 2012, p. 8),因此,在這樣一個市場中,賣方試圖通過不同的價格戰和非價格戰來超越對方。在價格戰戰略中,公司試圖通過廣泛的營銷和廣告策略來吸引顧客。沃達丰通過打造強大的社交網絡,成功打入世界市場。由於Zoozoo的廣告宣傳活動,該公司在電信市場獲得了優勢。這項運動受到人民的喜愛。


“Zoo Zoo” was a term by Vodafone used for the white colored creatures which had ballooned bodies and egg heads. The advertisement for ZooZoo was one of the most successful marketing campaigns launched by Vodafone (Gupta, 2012). Each and every Zoozoo advertisement consisted of a story. These Zoozoos were the real human beings who were dressed in costumes. It was like a semi-human like creatures who laugh aloud, cry loud and also had child like simplicity around them. In order to launch the Zoozoo campaign successfully, more than 30 million pounds were for the advertisement promotion and marketing campaign. The campaign created a huge buzz both in the traditional market and social media. It had around 2 million members on the Facebook page which is still increasing. In addition to this, the Facebook fan page of Vodafone had around 2.6 million page views. The ad campaign which had been launched by Vodafone had a large number of economic perspectives. The environment in which the company has been operating since the past is known as oligopoly. This is the kind of market structure which has a unique feature. The number of sellers in such a market is very few.

In addition to this, it also has a mutual independence. It is the kind of market in which each and every seller tries to outdo another seller. In addition to this, in such a market, there is a huge price war. Zoozoo were the part of the innovative and an appealing marketing strategy which was aimed to outcast the strategies which had been implemented by the Vodafone competitors. The company works in an oligopoly market where there is very small number of sellers. Also, in such a market, the buyers are in huge numbers (Kumar 2012, p. 8). Thus, in such a market, the seller tries to be better than the other with the help of different price war and non-price war. In a non-price war based strategy, the company tries to attract the customers through the extensive marketing and advertisement based strategies. Through making a strong social network, Vodafone has been successful in penetrating the world market. Because of the Zoozoo advertisement campaign, the company earned an advantage in the telecomm market. The campaign was loved by the people.



