


全球人才库中确实存在着文化差异,因此在全球人才开发和管理中需要考虑文化视角。Jackson(2002)认为文化差异的存在可以改变公司从员工那里提高生产力的方式。Jackson & Parry(2011)在提到Hofstede关于文化的维度时指出,文化是“将一个群体或类别的成员与另一个群体或类别的成员区别开来的思维的集体编程”(p.71)。因此,要回答是否应该把文化作为全球人才管理的一个标准,可以说,既然全球人才管理的库中确实存在着一个基于文化的部门,那么就应该考虑文化。规模较小的企业开始意识到,必须通过雇佣具有文化联系的人才管理来扩大国际招聘。在过去,只有大公司才关注人才管理的文化视角。在当今时代,中小企业对在全球范围内招聘人才同样感兴趣。

韬睿惠悦公司(Towers Watson and Co.)全球人才管理主管表示,其原因在于,全球范围内以极低的交易成本就能获得熟练的人力资源。在为不同规模的公司寻找自由职业者的同时,公司承认他们正在获得竞争优势。他们利用招聘平台,如ZipRecruiter Inc.,将工作岗位发布到一个国际池(Gale, 2015)。然而,小型企业能够降低成本,同时也意识到,如果没有正确的人才管理文化视角,这些好处将是徒劳的。德勤会计师事务所Bersin by Deloitte的创始人Josh Bersin表示,与当地雇佣的员工建立强有力的沟通系统将是有益的(Gale, 2015)。在招聘和与国际员工共事时,如果没有某种形式的文化参与或视角,员工可能会觉得自己更像是一个合同实体,而不是公司的增值资源。拥有正确的文化联系会让员工感到更有价值。


A cultural difference does exist in global talent pools and hence the cultural perspective needs to be taken into consideration in global talent development and management. Jackson (2002) argues that the presence of cultural differences can change the way companies can drive productivity from their employees. Jackson & Parry (2011) in referring to the Hofstede’s dimensions on cultures state that culture is “the collective programming of the mind which distinguished the members of one group or category from another” (p.71). Therefore, to answer the question of whether culture should be considered as a criterion in global talent management, it can be said that since a culture based division does exist in the global talent management pool, culture should hence be considered. Smaller corporations are becoming aware that hiring internationally has to be augmented with talent management that employs a cultural connection. In the past, only big corporations were focused on the cultural perspective on talent management. In current times, small and mid-size firms are equally interested in getting talents recruited globally.

The global head for talent management at Towers Watson and Co. states that the skilled man power available globally at very little transactional cost is the reason for this. While finding freelance workers for different company sizes, companies admit they are gaining a competitive advantage. They make use of recruitment platforms such as ZipRecruiter Inc. that posts jobs to an international pool (Gale, 2015). Small sized companies are able to reduce costs, however, are also becoming aware that without the right cultural perspective on talent management, the benefits are null. Josh Bersin, the founder of Bersin by Deloitte states that a strong communication system with locally hired staff would be helpful (Gale, 2015). Without some form of cultural engagement or perspective when hiring and working with international employees, the employees might feel more like a contracted entity and less like a value adding resource to the company. Having the right cultural connection will make the employee feel more valued.



