




There are many elements that are thrown around on the Short Circuit, ranging from polka dot fabric to random bits of paper and fibers. There are small photographs that are glued to the surface. This is symbolized in cupboard portrayal. These are hinged cabinet doors representing an operational process, instead of an image of the artist. The scattered objects as presented by Rauschenberg is presented out of his interactions with the work. Each element of the work is seen to present a real world entity or some form of operational process such as the hinged door. Now although this is representative of the flatbed, there are some elements in Steinberg’s arguments that cannot be applied to it. Steinberg presents the flatbed as something that distinctly removes the vertical stance from it. In viewing the work of Rauschenberg, a form of vertical stance is understood as this is a cupboard and hence it would be vertical. This would result in a contradiction. However, looking at the art work without a preconceived notion of a cupboard or a cabinet, it could also be a table of sort. It appears as a table which has draws that can be opened up like a trunk.
The paintings and the photographs could be understood as having been kept inside the drawers of the table. There are painting desks and study desks in contemporary times that open up to the user in this way. The horizontal plane hence need not to be understood as just dimensional aspect, it invites the reader to partake of the illusions created in space. Rauschenberg in creating the horizontal plane attempts to create a confusion in spatiality. It is found that these spaces are created to oppose themselves in the mind of the audience and if this was the objective of flat-beds according to Steinberg then Rauschenberg’s work could indeed be called a flat bed. The arguments of Steinberg on the flatbed and the evidences which he produces with the work of artists such as Rauschenberg were discussed in this analysis. It is concluded that works of Rauschenberg titled Short Circuit highlights how the flat bed analysis is not just about the dimensions but is actually about the spatial experience created for the audience. The horizontal plane introduced in artworks invites the viewer into introspecting the actual setting from the eyes of the artist with conflicting spaces.



