


交通堵塞正逐渐成为加拿大圣凯瑟琳的一个威胁。例如,与世界上其他城市相比,加拿大的大城市和中等城市圣凯瑟琳都存在着严重的交通拥堵问题。交通拥堵对居民的生活质量和环境有着显著的影响。交通堵塞的车辆更容易浪费能源,另一方面,排放有害污染物,破坏生态系统(Buchanan, 2015)。除了这些可怕的影响,交通拥堵还对经济产生了一些危险的影响。投资者不会愿意把他们的钱放在一个商品和人员不能顺畅往来的地方。在一个交通拥堵的城市投资的可能性非常低,这将增加当前的成本。如上所述,交通拥堵的影响是显而易见的。然而,由于原因的复杂性,交通拥堵的原因很难确定。最主要的原因是道路空间的重复使用。如果人们倾向于过度使用道路,那么交通拥堵就一定会发生。

随着道路的过度使用,影响交通拥堵的因素很多(Ganji et al., 2012)。一般来说,交通拥堵的原因是缺乏资金用于交通和道路容量,这与旅行的性质和原因等因素无关。经济变化、土地资源规划、人口结构、就业机会和住房成本是影响交通拥堵的重要因素。近年来,政府加大了对交通拥堵问题的处理力度。圣凯瑟琳管理当局采取的首要步骤是增加对运输基础设施的投资,从而增加道路和过境能力。然而,这一问题需要在所有方面得到解决,即在供给方面(道路和运输能力)和需求方面(人口、旅行目的和频率)(Gu et al., 2012)。本报告处理了加拿大圣凯瑟琳市的交通拥堵问题,并提供了一些政治策略来应对这一问题。


Traffic congestion is gradually becoming a menace in Canada St. Catherine. Large as well as medium cities in Canada for example St. Catherine have large traffic congestion problem as compared to other cities in the world. Traffic congestion has a prominent impact on the quality of residents’s life as well as the environment. Vehicles stuck in a traffic jam are more likely to waste energy and on the other hand, emit harmful pollutants which damage the eco-system (Buchanan, 2015). Apart from these ghastly effects, traffic congestion also has some dangerous impact on economy. Investors would not be willing to put their money in a place where goods and people cannot commute smoothly. The probabilities of investment in a city suffering from traffic congestion are quite low which would increase current costs. As discussed above, the impact of traffic congestion can be clearly noticed. However, the cause of traffic congestion is hard to determine due to the complexity of causes. The foremost cause is the redundant use of road space. If people tend to use a road more than it can handle, then traffic congestion is bound to happen.

Along with the excessive use of roads, there are many factors which have an impact on traffic congestion (Ganji et al., 2012). Generally, the blame for traffic congestion is laid on meager funds for transit and road capacity which is independent of the factors such as the nature and cause of travel. Changes in economy, land resource planning, demographics, employment opportunities and housing costs are some notable factors which impact traffic congestion. Governments have stepped up their efforts in the recent years to tackle the issues of traffic congestion. The primary step taken by governing authorities in St. Catherine is to increase investments in transportation infrastructure and thereby increasing road and transit capacity. However, the issue needs to be resolved on all fronts i.e. on the supply side (Road and transit capacity) and the demand side (population, travel purpose and frequency) (Gu et al., 2012). This report has deals with the traffic congestion in the Canadian city of St. Catherine and provides an account of some political strategies used to counter the issue.



