


The survey based questionnaire was selected for the data collection. I selected this approach as the research indicated that the questionnaires are most suitable to obtain the responses from the employees of organizations due to their given work occupancy and lack of free time to be available for the unstructured or primary interview. Therefore, I integrated the Likert scale in order to obtain the data in the effective manner. The collection of the data was conducted through the SurveyMonkey.com and email responses. Use of Likert scale allowed me to present a consolidated view of the respondents’ responses.
The issue experienced in the data collection was related to the use of survey platform that was used for collecting the responses and how to analyze the data. This enabled me to utilize the Microsoft Office automation tools such as MS Excel for the purpose of arranging and recording the data that was collected. The data was collected in the form of values due to which it was imperative to arrange the data in a format that an overview of the responses of the participants for each question can be gained. As there were 10 questions, the responses of 10 participants emerged total of 100 responses. I researched about the manner in which data analysis can be conducted and found that arranging the responses of the participants below one another will allow me to view the response for each question in a unified manner.
The interpretation method was selected for the research paper as the combination of the theory and participants’ responses were found to be the most efficient manner in utilizing the maximum benefits of exploratory research to address the research objectives. The challenges faced during writing the data analysis were the critical integration of the media texts examples, previous researches and the responses. As there was limited word count for the research paper, various approaches were taken to provide with the most comprehensive analysis of data that can allow the reader to understand the actual meaning of the findings, their essentiality and the way in which they address the research objectives. I referred to the spreadsheet of responses along with the previous literature and example media texts to establish that the media texts do not offer the actual reality but it is the one that has been shaped by the use of various realism techniques in the process of mediation.




