

阿富汗戰爭(2001-2014)被普遍認為是近年來最重要的戰爭之一,也是互聯網普及後美國介入的第一次重大戰爭,使得新聞媒體能夠高效地報導新聞(Ahrari 18)。由於有了社交媒體平台,我們一般人也能對阿富汗戰爭事件保持高度了解,並能在共同的平台上進行討論。 9/11襲擊後不久,美國在阿富汗發動了一場打擊窩藏恐怖組織的戰爭。這對美國來說是一個艱難的決定,美國公眾的支持至關重要。媒體在阿富汗戰爭問題上的表現方式,有助於公眾對阿富汗戰爭問題的反應。當阿富汗戰爭仍在進行時,美國也入侵伊拉克,聲稱薩達姆侯賽因擁有大規模殺傷性武器和化學武器(卡萊爾和鮑曼28)。媒體和美國公民對阿富汗戰爭的看法,肯定會在某種程度上影響他們後來攻打伊拉克的決定。



Afghanistan war (2001-2014) is generally considered one of the most important wars in recent years and it is also first major war with US involvement after widespread popularity of internet which allowed the news media ability to cover news in highly effective manner (Ahrari 18). Thanks to social media platforms, general population of US also remained highly informed about the events of Afghanistan war and could discuss in on common platforms. Soon after 9/11 attacks, America started a war against terrorism harboring groups in Afghanistan. It was a difficult decision to make for America and support from American public was essential. The way media represented on the issue of Afghanistan war contributed to the way public reacted on the Afghanistan war issue. While the war still ongoing in Afghanistan, US also invaded Iraq with claims of Saddam Hussain having possession of weapons of mass destruction and chemical weapons (Carlisle and Bowman 28). How media and citizens of US looked at the Afghanistan war would have certainly influenced the decision of attacking Iraq in later years in some way.

Journalists in global conflicts offer insights that the public, politicians, policy makers and researchers can use to shift paradigm on globalization issues. The position of America on war is important in growing trend of globalization for its relationship with other nations. The manner in which the policy makers adapt to issues portrayed in media influences America’s position through media globalization. Cookman (32) compares situation of media globalization during the World War 1 and the civil wars in the 21st century. The current times necessitate modification of the traditional approaches of journalism to more contemporary techniques such as the shoe-leather journalism. These new approaches, despite their impact in shaping the medium of social change and globalization, bring out other issues related to the expression of media freedom. Governments in turn have responded to this by invoking certain restriction, contextually, censorships, and reinforced them through Acts and laws in the constitution. Even with those restrictive frameworks, the government during the Afghan War came to condemn the representation of certain graphics and resultant captions on US newspapers.



