

因此,組織依賴和影響主要的系統,而這些系統本身也處於危險之中。簡而言之,可持續性意味著比通常理解的更多。可持續發展的關鍵目標在於確保完整的系統始終健康,以確保人們、公司和社會都幸福(Akisik et al., 2011)。根據麥肯錫的調查,可持續性是指企業以一種持續不斷的方式為改善社會和人民的生活和狀況而做出的努力。這意味著要把組織的觀點擴展得比短期的盈利要求更遠。今後的可持續性包括這一點,同時鼓勵廣泛的社會和環境系統的發展。

為了讓所有的組織都能擁有長期可持續發展的未來,他們需要應對一些挑戰。只有應對這些挑戰的能力才能確保企業具有長期的可持續性。 Bruno等人(2012)認為,與可持續性相關的倡議並沒有在各個組織中根深蒂固。利用戰略可持續性的組織更有可能具有高績效。這是關於以市場為基礎的進展報告(Bush, 2016)。儘管相關性並不等同於因果關係,但這仍然表明可持續性有助於為企業提供競爭利益。


Organizations are therefore dependent over and influence major systems which are at risk their self. In brief, sustainability implies more than what is understood ordinarily. The key goal to sustainability lies in making sure that the complete systems are healthy consistently to ensure people, firms and societies are all happy (Akisik et al., 2011). Sustainability, according to the McKinsey survey, is all about behaving in a way wherein present efforts are made by companies for improving lives and situations of society and its people in a continuous manner. This implies expanding the viewpoint of organizations farther than the short term requirement for profit making. Sustainability henceforth encompasses this, along with encouraging development of wide systems socially and environmentally.

For all organizations to have the ability of long term sustainable future, it is required that they deal with several challenges. Only the capability to deal with these challenges helps in ensuring that a business will have long term sustainability. According to Bruno et al., (2012), initiatives related to sustainability yet are not ingrained deeply within various organizations. Organizations which utilize strategic sustainability have more likeliness of being high performing. This is with regard to market place based reported progress (Bush, 2016). Even though correlation is not equivalent to causation, still this results in suggesting that sustainability may help in providing competitive benefit to firms.



