


Len想要避免运输和交付的费用。同时,他也不想失去买家。买方要求获得2010年DAP国际贸易术语解释通则。然而,在这个过程中,卖方有很多风险和责任。《国际贸易术语解释通则》规定,卖方几乎承担运输中涉及的所有风险。在这个过程中,如果是国际货运,卖方需要确保货物在海关的清关。在这种情况下,卖方有许多责任和义务。DAP是买方首选的合同之一。最常用的国际贸易术语是DAP、EXW、船上交货和DDP。国际上大约有13种国际贸易术语解释通则。国际贸易术语解释通则将术语定义为产品如何到达买方或买方希望如何获得产品。DAP, EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DDP, FAS等根据价格、质量、货物性质、产品质量和数量使用国际贸易术语解释通则。DAP国际贸易术语解释通则不适用于摩尔钢铁公司。

对于实时应用,建议Moore steel说服买方使用EXW,因为在这种情况下对卖方更有利。EXW国际贸易术语解释通则(Ex – Works)在这种情况下,买方承担将货物从卖方地点运输到所需地点所涉及的所有成本和风险。卖方的唯一义务是确保在买方希望采购货物的时间内货物的可用性。本国际贸易术语解释通则适用于所有运输方式。在EXW下,卖方的责任是有限的。建议摩尔钢采用EXW。这也符合法案的第29条。第29条规定,当买卖双方都知道该房屋时,买方需要收取货物。本国际贸易术语解释通则也符合本法第27条。S27法案规定,卖方有责任确保卖方交付产品。S27还规定买方有义务接受货物。他们不能以站不住脚的理由拒绝索赔。买方应提供合理的理由,说明拒绝接受货物的理由。


Len wants to avoid expenses involved in the transport and delivery. At the same time, he does not want to lose the purchaser. Purchaser is asking for DAP Incoterms of 2010. Nevertheless, in this process there are a lot of risks and liabilities for the seller.Rules and regulations of DAP (Delivered at Place) the Incoterms state that the seller acquires almost all the risks involved in transportation. In this process, seller needs to ensure clearance of the merchandize in customs in the cases of international freight. There are a number of duties and responsibilities that entail the seller in this case. DAP is one of the preferred contracts buyers use. The most frequently used Incoterms are DAP, EXW, Free on Board and DDP. Internationally, there are around 13 numbers of Incoterms. Incoterms define the terms as to how the product will reach the buyer or how the buyer wishes to procure the product. DAP, EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DDP and FAS etc. Based on price, quality, nature of goods, quality of products and quantity incoterms are used. DAP incoterms are not preferable for Moore steel.

For real time application, it is suggested that Moore steels convince the purchaser to use EXW, as it is more favourable for Moore steel the seller in this case. EXW Incoterms (Ex Works) In this, the purchaser bears all costs and risks involved in transporting of the good from one seller’s premises to the desired premises. Only obligation of seller is to ensure the availability of goods during the time when the buyer wishes to procure the item. This incoterms are applied across all modes of transport. Under EXW, seller liability is limited. It is advised that EXW is suggested for Moore steel. This is also in accordance with the S29 of the act. S 29 States that buyer needs to collect the goods when both the buyer and seller know the premises. This incoterms are also in accordance with S27 of the act. S27 act states that it is the duty of the seller to ensure that the seller delivers the product. S27 also states that buyer has the obligation to accept the goods. They cannot reject claims for flimsy reasons. There should be a justifiable reason provided by the buyer to show why they have rejected accepting the goods.



