


安巴拉特是印度尼西亚和马来西亚之间海域的一部分。两国在西里伯斯海相隔约300海里,这导致了两国之间的争端(Barlow, 2010)。两国都声称这一地区是其主权国家的一部分。该地区矿产资源丰富,在经济和政治上具有重要意义。研究表明,Amabalat地区的油气储量丰富,至少在未来30年内是可开采的(Kesumawardhani, 2012)。该区域的经济价值促使两国的政治代理人在该区域实现自治。然而,这一争端导致了两国海军和渔民之间的多次冲突。几十年来,马来西亚和新加坡之间一直存在供水纠纷。新加坡在获取水资源等自然资源方面,在很大程度上依赖于邻国。新加坡的水供应依赖于马来西亚。两国早在60年代就签署了水资源条约。马来西亚敦促由于经济需求的增加而提高水的供应率,而新加坡则抵制这种需求。
根据新加坡的说法,在签署协议时所有的问题都必须得到解决,现在马来西亚已经失去了就供水价格进行谈判的机会。根据协议,马来西亚在协议期满前不能审查该协议。此外,尽管存在水价问题,马来西亚政府仍同意不停止向新加坡供水。如果马来西亚这样做,将被视为对新加坡的战争行为。新加坡正在寻找减少从马来西亚取水的方法(Luan, 2012)。但是这个问题正在成为两国之间政治紧张的原因,因为许多回合的谈判都没有取得积极的结果。在湄公河上有多个计划和提议建设的项目。然而,环保人士和气候科学家认为,这些项目正在威胁水居民、农业、居民和渔业的生命。水力发电项目一直受到支持环境可持续性的各种实体的反对(Molle, Foran, and Kakonen, 2012)。


Ambalat is a portion of sea between Indonesia and Malaysia. The two countries are separated by each other in the Celebes Sea while a portion of around 300 nm which leads to the dispute between two countries (Barlow, 2010). Both the countries claim this portion to be a part of their sovereign state. This block hold great importance economically and politically as this region is rich in mineral resources. It has been examined that the oil and gas reserves in Amabalat region are rich and exploitable for at least next 30 years (Kesumawardhani, 2012). The economic value of the region urges political agents of both countries to attain the autonomy in this region. However, the dispute resulted in numerous clashes between navy and fishermen of the countries.The dispute over water supply prevails between Malaysia and Singapore since decades. Singapore is dependent largely over its neighbouring countries to attain natural resources such as water. Singapore is dependent on Malaysia for water supply. Both the countries signed their water treaty back in 1960’s. Malaysia urges on increasing rates of water supply due to increasing economic demands, while Singapore resists this demand.
According to Singapore, all the issues had to be settled at the time of signing the agreement, and now Malaysia has lost its chance to negotiate on the rates of water supply. According to the agreement, Malaysia cannot review the agreement till its expiry. Moreover, Malaysian government as agreed not to stop water supply to Singapore despite of the issues on prices of water. If Malaysia does so, it will be considered as an act of war towards Singapore. Singapore is looking for ways to minimize intake of water from Malaysia (Luan, 2012). But the issue is becoming a cause of political tension between the countries as many rounds of negotiations have been carried out with no positive result.There are multiple projects which are planned and proposed to be built on Mekong River. However, environmentalists and climate scientists suggest that these projects are threatening the life of water inhabitants, farming, residents and fisheries. The hydropower project has been opposed by various entities in favour of sustainability of environment (Molle, Foran, and Kakonen, 2012).




