

本文主要講述的是中國普通話學習,如Zhu(2011)、Huang(2002)和Hung(1986)所述,中國普通話系統中有10個基本的元音單音。在這十個基本元音的基礎上,涉及到三種韻母。其中:16個鼻韻母;13個元音韻母;10個單韻母。一些普通話的期末考試在英語中找不到,似乎與英語有類似的相關性。受普通話的影響,一些說漢語的人用漢語的聲音代替英語的聲音。英語中短元音和長元音長度的對比在普通話中並不存在,如sheep和ship,或fool和full (Chen et al., 2007)。本篇代寫論文費用文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

As stated by Zhu (2011), Huang (2002) and Hung (1986), there are ten basic single sounds of vowel in the Mandarin system of China. On the basis of these ten basic sounds of vowel, three types of finals are involved. These are as follows: 16 nasal compounds;13 vowel compound finals;10 single finals.Some of the finals in Mandarin Chinese cannot be found in English and appear to be having similar correlations with English. Highly affected by Mandarin, some speakers of Chinese utilize Chinese sounds for the replacement of English sounds. The contrast of length between short vowels and long vowels in English is not in existence in Mandarin like sheep and ship, or fool and full (Chen et al., 2007).
It has been proposed that the vowel system of British English includes 8 diphthongs, 5 long vowels and 7 short vowels. The vowel system of American English includes 15 or 14 different vowels with the combination of 5 diphthongs and 10 monophthongs. In case of Chinese, there should be pronunciation of letters as per their appearance. This is not the case in English. The sound of schwa is the mostly utilized sound in English. Depending upon the length of words, there will be certain schwa sounds for surely (Hewings, 2007). There is often reduction or modification of vowels in majority of the articles, determiners, modals, auxiliary verbs, prepositions and conjunctions to the sound of schwa. In addition, because of stress, there is prolonging of some vowels.
“Ship or Sheep” by Ann Baker is a comprehensive pronunciation resource of English for intermediate students. It focuses on providing a systematic practice for intonation, stress and pronunciation of English by a number of different interesting activities and exercises. This resource is in accompany with three cassette record of the entire practical material (Baker, 2006). There is designing of the recordings and the book for being used by students in class or work alone. However, the resource does not realize the difficulties faced by Chinese ELLs due to poor phonologic skills and poor phonemic awareness. This lacks the priority of directly and clearly teaching the sound system. The process holds a crucial requirement of significant repetition (Baker, 2006).



