



员工应该从根本上感到安全,知道管理过程中有诚信。权力、角色、成就和支持是定义组织文化的支柱。希尔顿悉尼公司文化是一种兼收并蓄的两种文化的混合体。它是最早的公司文化,是澳大利亚本土文化在这个系统中跨谱融合的产物。这反映在公司的业绩上。这里有一个友好的家庭气氛,员工努力确保客人得到满意的对待。希尔顿组织文化的核心理念之一是确保员工在任何时候都表现出诚实和尊重。公司文化中明确规定了强烈的道德要求。该公司非常重视遵守道德规范,并已作出巨大努力,以确保它们遵循环境可持续性。这种诚信文化反映在他们的实践中。在成本的情况下,发现有一定程度的隐性成本和意外支出已经向客户收费,客户对这些情况提出了投诉(Tum and Norton, 2006)。


The operational plan of the company for the events is as follows. This has made it difficult to meet consumer requirement and they are struggling to meet with the market demands as a result. A new breed of specialized event planners and service providers have started to develop. They have been able to cater to the specific requirements of the consumers and they have more control over the final deliverable provided to the consumers. If the company decides to focus on specified service, they need to be aware of the fact that this would lead to focusing on the niche consumer base and can lead to exclusion. Employee turnover has become a problem for the company. This could lead to sustenance issue for the company if it is not addressed. Culture Culture of the company is an intangible variable that encompasses the value system of the company. It is a product of unique social paradigms that are operating in the company. The culture of the company is a reflection of the vision, values and system of the management of the company. It leads to the development of the shared value systems of the company, which in turn leads to the formation of beliefs and habits. It is important for the company to have the right culture that would lead them to gain competitive advantage and fulfil the requirements of the consumers.

The employees should fundamentally feel safe and know that there is integrity in the processes of the management. Power, role, achievement and support are the pillars that define the organizational culture. Hilton Sydney corporate culture is an eclectic mix of two culture. It is the original company culture that has been practiced across the spectrum and amalgamation of the local Australian culture into the system. This has reflected in the performance of the company.There is a family friendly atmosphere and the employees take efforts to ensure that the guests are treated satisfactorily. One of the central notions of the organizational culture of Hilton is to ensure that the employees act with integrity and respect at all times. There is a strong ethical mandate that had been clearly defined in the culture of the company. There is a strong emphasis that has been laid by the company regarding following the ethical mandates and they have taken great efforts to ensure that they follow the environmental sustainability. This culture of integrity is reflected in their practices. In the case of costs, it has been found that there are some level of hidden costs and unexpected expenditure that has been billed to the customers and they have complained about the instances (Tum and Norton, 2006).



