

本文主要讲的是道德消费主义,作为一个国家负责任的公民,消费者越来越关心他们所购买和消费的东西。他们密切关注着这些公司的一举一动(Morse, 2008)。今天的消费者正在关注企业的社会责任(CSR)活动(Paul, Christine and Stacey, 2014)。尼尔森在2013年对大约58个国家进行的一项民意调查显示,超过50%的消费者愿意为购买那些具有社会责任感的公司的产品支付额外费用。本篇代写论文价格文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As a responsible citizen of a nation, consumers are becoming highly concerned about what they purchase and consume. They are watching each and every move of the companies (Morse, 2008). Consumers today are keeping an eye on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the companies (Paul, Christine and Stacey, 2014). According to a poll conducted by Nielsen in the year 2013 in approximately 58 nations, it has been seen that above 50 % of the consumers who participated are willing to pay extra for purchasing products from those companies that are socially responsible.
It has been observed by researchers that ethical consumerism has grown in the last decade to a considerable amount. For instance, there is an increase by 33% from the year 2005 to 2011 in the UK in ethical spending, which has approximately £ 47.2 billion market value. Ethical products represent only a very minute proportion of the total sales (Lockshin and Cohen, 2012). In the year 2010, 4% of the total amount of food sold in the USA represents organic foods. Organic foods are supposed to be produced ethically. Whereas in European Union, the maximum sales of organic food has been recorded in Denmark, which is 6 % followed by Austria with 5.3 % (Paul, Christine and Stacey, 2014).
With the increased awareness about ethic related to business among consumers, certain standards and certifications of products sold in the market are becoming mandatory in different markets globally. For instance, B corporation certification used in Europe, America and in some other countries, Fair trade certification for fair trading etc. other standards and certifications like, shade grown coffee, free-range poultry, Green America (seal of authorization), Product Red, Halal, Kosher, etc. (Paul, Christine and Stacey, 2014).
According to a finding published by the “Department for Business, innovation and Skill” (BIS), it has been found that 49 % of the adult people (aged above 16 years) do believe that most of the companies do very little or no ethical businesses at all. Whereas, it is highly contrasting that 37 % of the consumers believe that today retailers are doing ethical business in the UK.
Increased awareness of ethical consumerism among buyers today are forcing big retailers like Wal-Mart in the USA and Tesco and Sainsbury’s in the UK to store wider varieties of ethical products in their stores alongside conventional alternatives. Online retailers have helped several companies to attract more and more consumers on the ground of ethical consumerism; helped consumers to procure them directly in a manner that is profitable for both the parties (Nielsen, 2013).




