
代寫論文 價格-中產階級的崛起

本文主要講中產階級的崛起,不可否認的是,崛起的中產階級對經濟有著深遠的影響(Ramamurti和Singh, 2009)。因此,不斷下降的增長率和利潤可能是人們有基本需求的指標。合理的飽和點並不意味著銷售額會下降。現在人們普遍認為,發展最快和最大的新興市場經濟體是金磚國家(Goldstein, 2013)。這些國家的人口約為30億,約佔世界人口的一半。近年來,金磚國家對GDP的貢獻大大增加。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

It cannot be refuted that the rising middle class has a profound impact on the economy (Ramamurti and Singh, 2009). Hence, the dwindling growth rate and the profit could be indicators that people have the basic requirements they require. The plausible saturation point does not mean that the sales will be down. It is now perceived to be common sense to elude that the fastest growing and the largest emerging market economies are the BRICS nation (Goldstein, 2013). The number of people in these nations is around 3 billion, which is around half of the population of the world. In the recent times, BRICS nation contributes a lot more to the GDP. A positive cycle of events can be observed in this system. The BRICS nations also contribute towards the growth of the GDP. According to the economist projects, China could become the biggest world economy between 2030 and 2050, if it continues to show progress and increase their manufacturing sector. Goldman Sachs alludes that in the year 2050 these could be the important economies in the world.
Each of these nations has their own political development and the availability of resources is also different. They are all considered to be in the lucrative category in the current times. The formation of the political and economic alliances is based on these facets. In 2008, the BRICS nations have a summit where people view it to be an economic clout. In this the political power can develop (Nadkarni and Noonan, 2013). It is commonly believed that the BRICS nations can create their own economic order formed between themselves. Currently the manufacturing sector is growing in an impressive rate in China (Westra, 2017) India has a growing service industry; Russia and Brazil dominate the material supplies of the world. If these nations can find a way to work cohesively together, they can form cohesive networks. In the relationship between the United States and the European Union, the bilateral trade has been proven to be beneficial. It is important to factor that they do not enter into active co-operation



