

專業新聞是按照赫爾曼(Hermann, 1996)提出的宣傳模式來控制新聞的。赫爾曼的討論是關於政府如何影響專業新聞的存在。如果把政府看作是影響新聞從業人員的權力,那麼新聞機構也可以做類似的類比。新聞機構是權力的源泉。職業記者,無論男女,都在他們的控制之下。理解這種控制將有助於公眾更好地理解媒體表現(Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2000)。這也有助於更好地理解路易絲·諾斯的論點。 North的文章也提供了非常有說服力的證據,表明該行業存在性別偏見。有孩子的婦女沒有得到正確的支持,因此管理職位上的女記者人數和獲得更好作品的機會似乎受到限制(Pierce, 1995)。


Professional journalism is controlled journalism according to the propaganda model presented by Hermann (1996). Hermann’s discussion is with respect to how government influences on professional journalism exist. If government was considered as the power that influenced the journalists with the news sources, a similar analogy could be drawn with the journalistic institution. The journalistic institution is the power source. The professional journalists, both men and women come under their control. Understanding this control will help the public better understand media representation (Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2000). This also enables a better understanding of Louise North’s arguments. The article of North also presents very compelling evidence to the point that there is a gender bias going on in the industry. Women with children do not get the right support and hence the number of women journalists in managerial positions and access to better writings hence seem to be curbed (Pierce, 1995).
Now according to the primary research conducted by means of content analysis, it is hence established that women might be allotted less news in general. Hence, this part of the hypothesis is proved, but there is less theoretical evidence to directly suggest that women are marginalized by the given “un-wanted” news such as the lifestyle news. This is something that needs to be researched on across multiple journalistic institutions and with a much larger sample. The content analysis research done on a sample of journal segments indicates that men do get more content on sports and politics and women get assigned content on lifestyle. However, this cannot be understood to be a generalized view. It is recommended that more researches should be carried on in order to establish this as a fact. Secondly, both primary research and secondary research support the idea that the journalism industry does have a certain amount of gender bias.



