

本文主要讲述的是全球文化,其次,注意全球和当地文化的定义,其中考虑了他们的整合模式。这是Anthony Giddens (Guy, 2009)提出的结构化理论。如果将它们视为集成模式,则可以看到两种形式的集成。在本地文化争论中,更多的是面对面的互动(Jones, & Karsten, 2008)。这里的整合形式是个体在环境中更真实的存在。这里所看到的社会融合似乎更具约束力。另一方面,在全球文化中,更多的是系统集成或交互。本篇代写论文文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Secondly, notice the definition of global and local culture where their modes of integration are considered. This is the structuration theory presented by Anthony Giddens (Guy, 2009). Where they are looked at as modes of integration, two form of integration can hence be seen. In the case of the local culture arguments, more face to face interactions are seen (Jones, & Karsten, 2008). The form of integration here is one where the individuals are more physically present in the surroundings. The social integration as seen here is one that appears more binding. On the other hand, in the case of the global culture, more of a system integration or interaction is present.
Here the people who interact are in a different space and time (Cohen, 1989). They interact with one another when they can, and most times the interaction can only be achieved with some amount of costs and action. Where humans are the s focal point, it would appear that the concept of the global is inside the local. The global becomes a very distinct influence but is also distant. Now in the case of the global and local in this definition, it is seen that the achieving global culture intermingling could have been difficult in the past. This is because of the economic effect. Travelling like the example of Gandhi presented earlier could have made global cultures have an influence on the man.
However, not everybody can travel. Not everybody would be so economically endowed. When they can only travel within short social circles, the local cultures would appear dominant. In the current world travelling is not necessary to stay connected. In the current world people are seen to be interconnected in many ways. Their interconnections, make people have an impact on global culture and also be equally influenced by global culture in all ways possible. In terms of cloth, travel, entertainment and even food it is seen that strong global cultural influences would be present. This presence is directly attributed to the technology support interconnections.




