

本文讲像素艺术的体现,在过去的十年中,像素艺术已经在许多媒体中得到了体现。它出现在电子游戏、应用艺术中,也被用来创造互惠的艺术形式的新媒介。这可以与现代的De Stijl相比较。这种运动基本上是由抽象的成像,几何形状和形式。这是一个现代的解释,允许人们在日常生活中应用艺术。类似的轨迹以像素艺术形式呈现(Munjeri, 2004)。本篇代写论文文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the last ten years there has been manifestation of pixel art in many mediums. It is seen in video games, in applied arts and also used to create new mediums of reciprocity art forms. This can be compared to the modern day De Stijl. This movement basically comprised of abstract imaging, geometric shapes and forms. This was a modern interpretation that allowed people to apply arts in their everyday form. Similar trajectory is viewed in pixel art form (Munjeri, 2004).
Like the De Stilj movement the pixel art has also managed to transcend from traditional conventional art forms to the new age technology medium. It has found a niche place in the various mediums. Like the De Stijl movement, pixel art emphasizes the importance of aesthetics and art in everyday objects. This fundamental characteristic feature is seen to be common between the two art mediums (Munjeri, 2004). Modern da pixel art can be considered to be the emergence of the abstractionism art movement.
Romanticism movement gained prominence in early 19th century owing to the subjective nature of the art. Apart from transcending fine arts to applied arts. Pixel art forms also are similar to the notions of the romanticism (Janson & Janson, 2001). This art form is found to be similar to the concepts of Romanticism. Crux of the romanticism is different from classicism and new classicism because there is freedom for subjective notions of the art (Janson & Janson, 2001). There is spontaneous emotional elements in this art forms this is similar to the pixel art forms.




