

本文主要講印度河-庫什喜馬拉雅地區,在諸如印度河-庫什喜馬拉雅地區這樣的高海拔地區,當地居民特別容易受到與環境和氣候變化有關的環境衝擊和逆境的影響,只有適應才能被認為是一種主要的選擇(Kapoor, a。,2011)。基於適應的方法旨在通過自然、社會或金融框架內的廣泛活動和一致性,指導生態變化的不利影響,並尋求從與環境變化相關的環境中獲利(Fussel和Klein, 2006;艾利斯2000年)。本篇代寫論文文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In high altitude areas such as those found in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan regions, where local inhabitants are exceptionally exposed to the environmental shocks and adversities associated with environmental and climatic variations, only adaptation must be thought as a principal alternative (Kapoor, A., 2011). Methodologies based on adaptation aims at directing the unfavorable impacts of ecological variations through a broad assortment of activities and conformities in natural, social, or financial frameworks and seeks to make profits from circumstances connected with environmental changes (Fussel and Klein, 2006; Ellis 2000).
Because adjusting to such survival situations has various interlinked measurements, adaptive capacity of the inhabiting societies is governed both by internal and specific cultural factors as well as by political and socio-economic factors. Our perspective suggests that, developing resilience to these adverse effects is also predicated on the privilege of options: a community or an individual who is left out of choices in any circumstance has nowhere to go. Thus, strengthening the resilient behavior of oneself at any scale by giving oneself a variety of options is integral to the test of tending to neighboring regions to the impacts of climate change, and towards the objective of enabling people to be able to make feasible choices about their survival.
The assimilation of sustainable frameworks based on different types of existing vulnerabilities leaves an open door of research for environmental variation researchers and law makers add to the guaranteed reasonability of the mountain groups by (a) maintaining a strategic distance from the trap of gender discriminating policies and systems, and (b) trying to create and fortify job resources of endangered inhabitants, while (c) at the same time working to enhance the development of empowering structures (Mearns, R. and Norton, A., 2010). In the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region, this setup requires recognition of the greatly unacknowledged yet beneficial business commitments of mountain women, and a prioritization of their properties in order to enhance the resilience of the mountaineers to the climate change (Sultana, F., 2014).
A little exploration around the region and policy collaboration with local government will play a significant part in expanding the social capital and a framework of support in case any natural calamity occurs. For analysts and researchers, increased information on atmospheric dissemination and its effect on local communities can be a prime objective by investing their time and questioning in such ways that diminish the gender imbalances.




