

在本世紀後期,一直是全球日益增長的擔憂重新思考發展,重新審視傳統的來源的基礎上發展邏輯的工業化,和恢復公眾的利益考慮未來的不確定性從消耗不可再生資源的角度和自然環境。越來越需要加強對有問題的可持續性的關注(Alesina et al. 1996)。大多數的經濟模型和理論都強調當前國際和國家關注的問題,如停滯和經濟增長、市場失靈和市場競爭、衝突和政治穩定、異化和階級間剝削以及不平等的國際依賴和交流(Haque 1999 )。然而,這導致誇大了生態困境、環境人口和資源枯竭等問題。當這些問題被忽視時,人類進步的根本基礎就會削弱。更具體地說,后凱恩斯主義、凱恩斯主義、新古典主義和古典經濟增長理論主要關注的是在市場失靈、經濟停滯和市場競爭的基礎上不斷積累和經濟增長(Lucas 1990)。

在未來,Alesina等人(1996)曾提到,政治穩定和經濟增長具有很強的相互聯繫。從一個角度來看,這種與不穩定的政治環境相關聯的不確定性可能導致降低整個經濟發展的速度和投資(Alesina et al. 1996)。然而,從另一個角度來看,經濟表現不佳可能導致政府垮台和政治動盪。在這方面,政治不穩定被稱為行政部門內趨勢的傾向,或通過違憲或憲法的手段。這一關係中有一個強有力的基本理論論據,其基礎是不確定性對經濟生產決策的影響,例如勞動力供應、生產或投資(Lucas, 1990)。政府中傾向於趨勢的傾向較高,這與政府潛在的新權力機構的不同政策的不確定性有關。反之,外國投資者在政策不確定性和財產權不確定性較小的穩定政治環境中表現出偏好(Haque, 1999)。


In the later period of this century, there has been an increased concern across the globe to rethink about development, re-examine the traditional sources of development on the basis of logical industrialization, and revive the interest of the public considering future uncertainty from the perspective of depleting non-renewable resources and natural environment. There has been increased need to reinforce focus across questionable sustainability (Alesina et al. 1996). Majority of the economic models and theories lay emphasis on the prevailing international and national concerns like stagnation and economic growth, market failures and market competition, conflict and political stability, alienation and inter-class exploitation, and unequal international dependency and exchange (Haque 1999). However, this results in exaggerating issues of ecological predicaments, environmental population, and resource depletion. When these issues are overlooked, the fundamental base of human progress weakens. In more specific sense, post-Keynesian, Keynesian, neo-classical and classical theories of economic growth show primary concern with the continuous accumulation and economic growth on the basis of market failure, economic stagnation, and market competition (Lucas 1990).

Further ahead, it has been mentioned by Alesina et al. (1996) that political stability and economic growth have strong interconnections. From one perspective, this uncertainty in association with an unstable environment of politics may result in reducing the speed and investment of development across the economy (Alesina et al. 1996). However, from a different perspective, poor performance of economy may result in the collapse of government and unrest of politics. In this context, political instability has been referred to as the propensity of a trend within the executive, either by unconstitutional or constitutional means. There is a strong underlying theoretical argument in this relationship which is set on the basis of impacts of uncertainty on the productive decisions of the economy such as labour supply, production or investment (Lucas, 1990). A higher propensity of trend in government is in association with uncertainty regarding the different policies of a potentially new authority of government. When considered conversely, foreign investors show preferences in the stable environment of politics with less uncertainty of policy and less uncertainty regarding the rights of property (Haque, 1999).



