





Classical Chinese literature is referred to an earlier period which covers the work performed by the Qing Dynasty from 1644 ranging over a span of three thousand years. The work offered during this period is very different from the present-age work as it is mostly found to be written in ancient form of Chinese language. This period is known to be in the reign of a unified legalised code and centralized government authority which was imbued with political power and was engraved with the thoughts of a culture embracing feudalism and slavery. Traditional Chinese culture is said to have its roots in Confucianism and Taoism which has been followed throughout the imperial history of China. It was during the reign of Qing dynasty and Ming dynasty that the four great Chinese Classical novels namely Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dream of the Red Chamber and Journey to the West were written to entertain the literary masses. It was during the period of Qing dynasty that Great Wall of China was constructed which has now received the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site and is still extant.

One of the first Chinese novels in vernacular language was written by Shi Nai’an named as Water Margin in this period. It is a description of the story between a group of 108 outlaws on the government and Mount Liang.



