




新的“人的策略”旨在创造一个“工作和成长的好地方”,增强参与并最终改善患者体验(Daft and Lane, 2015)。英国政府审查美国和英国公司的研究工作和案例研究。通过研究,英国政府可以区分出英国政府的战略领导计划和领导计划的区别,这就决定了过去和现在的仆人战略领导的区别。在新的战略思想的帮助下,这种仆人式的领导可以改变克利夫兰诊所的整个概念。它可以使诊所更有效率,它可以扩大更多的人的力量。它还可以改变临床培养和治疗技术,增加患者数量。


In this part of the easy, the servant leadership has been considered for Cleveland Clinic which is a part of the Strategic leadership. By this servant leadership, this organization can obtain their mistake as well as the organization can be observed the void of the clinic. Also, the organization can change their previous organizational strategic leadership instead of the new one. Patient satisfaction is one of the most important parts of this servant leadership. This Cleveland Clinic was suffering from lack of patient; the CEO and other management members of the leadership team had suggested changing the culture of the clinic. This organization also increases their overall performance, and the quality of the medical equipment also added more technical medical equipment. The strategy of people is also a vital part of this servant leadership. The Clinic’s administrative leadership team permitted a new “people strategy.”

The new “people strategy” designed to create the Clinic a “great place to work and grow” enhance engagement and eventually improve the patient experience (Daft and Lane, 2015). The UK government reviews the research works and case studies of both the US and UK companies. From the research, the UK Government can distinguish the difference between the strategic leadership plan and leadership plan of UK Govt which makes a difference between the previous and current servant strategic leadership. This servant leadership can change the whole concept of this Cleveland Clinic with the help of the new strategic idea. It can make the clinic more efficient and it can expand more people power. It also can change the culture and treatment technique of the clinic which increases the patient.



