


从2011年开始,一些大学有1+4桥项目,他们为间隔年的学生提供奖学金和奖学金项目。据报道,从2015年秋季开始,无论学生的支付能力如何,都会有空档年的机会为国家和国际服务。然而,并不是所有这些都能支付学生的大学费用。一个好的大学经历需要大量的经济资源。学生们利用间隔年为大学赚钱。学生可以选择用自己的收入来支付学费。2016年,圣文森特山大学的本科学费为5153美元至12387美元。这对于工薪家庭来说是一笔可观的资金(Mount Saint Vincent University, 2016)。还有学生贷款。然而,这些学生贷款并不能覆盖所有的教育成本(Strauss, 2016)。因此,一些学生努力工作以减轻经济负担和省钱。全职工作的另一个好处是,没有学术压力,学生可以专注于一个目标(Cullaty, 2011)。
这些家庭经济负担的减轻也导致了其他发展,这些发展将在下一节讨论。现实主义使人们能够回顾自己的人生目标。许多学生利用空档年来发现自己。研究发现,在任何一个阶段,学生都要接受12年的学术研究。75%的学生只是按照规定去做。学生没有现实主义和对世界的低估来做出一个确定的选择。间隔年将使个人理解问题(Leonavičius & Ozolinčiūtė,2015,p . 19)。像志愿服务这样的活动能使所有相关的人受益。大学一年级的学生听从父母的命令。父母的思维过程与学生不同。因此,做出选择的明确性是明确的(Luo & Jamieson-Drake, 2015)。Kely说:“教育应该是有趣的、高质量的;它与自我表达和自我实现的机会有关”(Kely, 2015, p.55)。


From 2011 onwards, some colleges have a 1+4 bridge program and they offer scholarships and fellowship program to gap year students. From 2015 fall year, it has been stated that there will be gap-year opportunities for national and international service regardless of a student’s ability to pay. However, not all these would cover the student’s college expenses. There is a considerable amount of financial resources that are needed for a good college experience. Students use the gap year to earn money for college. Students have the option of using their own earning to fund their tuition fees. In 2016, Mount Saint Vincent University’s undergraduate tuition fees were $5,153-$12,387. This is a considerable amount of money for working families (Mount Saint Vincent University, 2016). There is the availability of student loans. However, these student loans do not cover all the costs of education (Strauss, 2016). Owing to this, some students work to reduce financial burdens and save money. Another advantage of taking a full time job is that there is no academic stress that student can focus on one goals (Cullaty, 2011).
These removal of the families financial burdens also lead to other developments which will be discussed in the following section.Realism enables the people to retrospect about their life goals. Many students take a gap year to find themselves. It is found that at any given stage the students are provided with 12 years of academic studies. Of this 75% students just follow the mandates. Students do not have the realism and understating of the world to make a determinate choices. A gap year would enable the individuals to understand the issues(Leonavičius & Ozolinčiūtė, 2015, p. 19). Activities such as volunteering enable all the people involved to be benefitted. First-year college students follow the mandates of their parents. Parents thought process is different with students. Hence the clarity to make a choice is clear (Luo & Jamieson-Drake, 2015). Kely states, “Education is expected to be interesting and of high quality; it is associated with opportunities for self-expression and self-actualization” (Kely, 2015, p.55).



