
代写 英文:酒店业的可持续发展措施

代写 英文:酒店业的可持续发展措施

酒店业最近在可持续性和道德规范方面遇到了一些麻烦。自《布伦特兰报告》首次提出“可持续发展”概念以来,“可持续发展”在全球范围内得到广泛应用和实施。最初,这个词仅限于某些日常生活中对环境造成极大危害的行业。酒店业发展迅速,贯彻可持续发展理念,规范工作职能,符合时代发展的需要(Jones, Hiller and Comfort, 2016)。悉尼柏悦酒店(Park Hyatt)已在之前的评估中得到讨论。在前一篇论文中,我们对各个方面进行了评估,对柏悦酒店的现状和未来状况有了清晰的认识。确定了柏悦酒店的可持续发展和道德规范的需求。评估了将用于纳入柏悦酒店可持续措施的各种战略。
还讨论和了解了包括这些措施的效果。这使得酒店业立即接受了在这些方面进行工作的需要(Wijesinghe, 2014)。酒店业对全球经济做出了重大贡献。因此,可以说,很多国家都参与了使酒店业成为一个如此大的实体。一些国家通过成为收入来源来贡献,而另一些国家通过充当东道主来贡献(McManus, 2013)。由于酒店业从业人员众多,会导致环境的巨大变化和对生态系统的负面影响。这是因为酒店业是与自然系统保持直接联系的行业之一。所有这些因素都引起了全球对酒店业对环境影响的关注。完全消除这些风险是不可能的,但我们肯定可以努力减少它们(Robinson and Getz, 2014)。

代写 英文:酒店业的可持续发展措施

The hotel industry is facing some recent troubles in the form of sustainability and ethics. Since its introduction for the first time in Brundtland Report, “sustainable development” has been used and implemented widely across the globe. Initially, this term was restricted to certain industries which caused great harm to the environment on a daily basis. The hotel industry is growing rapidly, and it has become a necessity for them to implement the concept of sustainable development and regulate the work functions ethically to keep up with the changing world (Jones, Hiller and Comfort, 2016). The Park Hyatt in Sydney has been discussed in the previous assessment.In the previous paper, various points were assessed that presented a clear picture of the current and future status of the Park Hyatt hotel. The need of sustainability and ethics in the Park Hyatt hotel was identified. Various strategies that would be used to incorporate the sustainable measures in the Park Hyatt hotel were evaluated.
The effect of including such measures was also discussed and understood. This made the hotel industry to accept the needs to work on these aspects with immediate effect (Wijesinghe, 2014).The global economy gets a major contribution from the hotel industry. Thus, it can be said that a lot of countries participate in making the hotel industry such a big entity. Some countries contribute by being the source of income while other countries contribute by playing the host (McManus, 2013). Due to the large number of people in the hotel industry, it can lead to a huge environmental changes and negative impacts on the ecosystem. This happens as hotel industry is one of those that stay in direct contact with the natural systems. All these factors have raised a global concern to monitor the impacts of hotel industry on the environment. It is not possible to completely eliminate the risks but one can surely work to reduce them (Robinson and Getz, 2014).



