
essay 代寫:不同領域的創造力

essay 代寫:不同領域的創造力
因此,可以這樣說,不同領域的創造力是根據與特定領域相關的不同規範和規則來衡量的。 Cannatella(2004)指出,任何領域的創造力都是一個與提到有關的過程,而提到提到創造力的需求是生物學、物理和心理方面的,這也是人類本質的一個基本部分。這一過程對“人類生殖、成長和文化奮鬥”也具有重要意義(第59頁)。另一位學者克拉克森(2005)指出,不同的特質與創造力這個詞有關。這些特質是“發散性思維、內向、自尊、對模棱兩可的容忍度、冒險意願、行為靈活性、情感可變性、吸收意象的能力,甚至是神經症和精神病的傾向”(p。6)。

essay 代寫:不同領域的創造力

essay 代寫:不同領域的創造力

Thus, it would be correct to say that creativity in different fields is measured according to different norms and rules related to that particular field. Cannatella (2004) states that creativity in any domain is a process related to mentions which the need for creativity is biology, physical, and psychological aspects, which are also an essential part of human nature. This process is also significant for “human reproduction, growth and cultural striving” (p. 59). Another scholar Clarkson (2005), states that different traits are associated with the term, creativity. These traits are “divergent thinking, introversion, self-esteem, tolerance for ambiguity, willingness to take risks, behavioral flexibility, emotional variability, ability to absorb imagery, and even the tendency to neurosis and psychosis”(p. 6).

essay 代寫:不同領域的創造力
Art is something that allows a person to forget all stress and pain, and enter into a whole new world of mental and spiritual well-being. Art helps people to recover from their distress and enter into creativity. Thus, creativity is a kind of innovation, which promotes arts; on the other hand involving in arts, promote creativity. The role of art education is mainly to develop and inspire creativity among the students (Eisner, 2004). Art allows people to enhance their artistic skills and to create something new from their ideas. Art teachers have the capability of implementing different strategies that can draw student towards learning and engaging with arts.



