
essay 代寫:控制環境污染的特定物質

essay 代寫:控制環境污染的特定物質
世界銀行的數據表明,造成環境污染的特定物質一直在穩步增加。這造成了高死亡率。它被認為是全球900萬人傷亡的原因。在這300萬5歲以下的兒童中,有300萬死於污染(Kristiansson et al., 2015)。它還導致一些物種滅絕,並導致一些水體無法居住。超過10億人無法獲得安全的飲用水。這些數據顯示了形勢的嚴重性(Kristiansson et al., 2015)。有必要遵循可持續的實踐。可持續性是指人們的行為對社會無害或不會造成自然資源枯竭的特徵或努力。該項目支持長期的生態維持。只有政府乾預或企業改變其生產模式,社會才能實現長期的可持續性。它需要每個社會成員的個人主義行為(Fitzpatrick, McCarthy, & Byrne, 2015)。社會中的每一個人都在有意無意地造成高水平的污染和浪費。社會成員應提高認識和洞察力,使行動具有可持續性。

essay 代寫:控制環境污染的特定物質
個體行為的這些變化可以源自意識形態的這種主要變化(Fitzpatrick, McCarthy, & Byrne, 2015)。從個人的角度來看,可持續性意味著減少碳足跡,減少能源消耗,減少用於家庭用途的化學物質的數量,集中使用可再生資源來滿足日常需求。碳抵消是指企業通過減少碳足跡來提高生產能力的過程。這個過程試圖補償已經對生態系統造成的環境破壞,並找到減少浪費或污染的方法(Lovell, bul克利& Liverman, 2009)。社會的個體成員也可以實踐這種方法。它們可以減少碳足跡,增強生態系統的能力。第一步是意識階段。為了提高認識,已經開發了許多工具來監視個人消費。下一步是找到減少排放和碳足蹟的方法。第三個行動是發展意識項目,以點燃社會變革。

essay 代寫:控制環境污染的特定物質

World Bank data suggests that particular matter that causes pollution in environment has been steadily increasing. This has caused high mortality rates. It has been cited as the cause of 9 million people casualties across the globe. Of these 3 million kids under the age of 5 die because of pollutants (Kristiansson et al., 2015). It has also caused a number of species to become extinct and has caused a number of water bodies to be uninhabitable. More than 1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water. These are some figures that show gravity of the situation (Kristiansson et al., 2015). There is a need to follow sustainable practices. Sustainability is the characteristic feature or endeavour in which the actions of the people are not harmful to society or causes depletion of natural resources. This venture supports long-term ecological sustenance. Only governmental interference or companies changing their production patterns societies cannot achieve long-term sustainability. It requires individualistic actions from each member of society (Fitzpatrick, McCarthy, & Byrne, 2015). Each individual in the society is causing high levels of pollution and wastage deliberately or unwittingly. There should be greater awareness and insight among societal members to bring sustainability of actions.

essay 代寫:控制環境污染的特定物質
These changes in actions of the individual can stem from this primary change in ideology (Fitzpatrick, McCarthy, & Byrne, 2015). From a personal standpoint sustainability means the action of reducing carbon footprint, reducing energy consumption, reducing number of chemical used for household purposes and focusing on using renewable resources to meet daily requirements. Carbon offsetting is the process by which corporations find ways to empower their productions by decreasing carbon footprint. This process tries to compensate for the environmental damages already caused to the ecosystem and finds ways to reduce waste or pollution (Lovell, Bulkeley & Liverman, 2009). Individual members of the society can also practice this method. They can reduce their carbon footprint to empower the ecosystem. First step is the awareness stage. For the awareness there are a number of tools that have been developed to monitor individual consumption. Next step is finding ways to reduce emissions and carbon footprint. Third action is to develop awareness program to kindle change in the societies.



