


妇女投票权是指妇女在全国各州单独投票的权利。19世纪末20世纪初,几个地区、州、县、镇在部分或完全的基础上建立了选举权(Kevin, 974)。由于妇女的投票权在某些地方是有效的,她们开始竞选公职,并获得学校董事会成员、法官、县书记官、州议员等职位,在珍妮特·兰金(Jeannette Rankin)的设想中,她是一名与国会有关系的议员。为在各州内确立妇女投票权而进行的运动是为了修改美国宪法,这将有助于在各州内确立充分的权利。这场运动在1920年成功地批准了第19条修正案(Aidt和Bianca, 392)。对这一合法权利的要求在1840年代开始增强,这一时期出现在更广泛的妇女权利运动中。

第一批全国选举权组织成立于1869年,当时形成了两个相互竞争的商业组织,每个组织都为国家和州两级进行了竞选(Kevin, 977)。由伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿和苏珊·b·安东尼领导的全国妇女参政协会对修改全国参政制度表现出了特别的兴趣。美国妇女参政协会在露西·斯通的领导下,倾向于在国家一级为这一目标进行更多的工作。1890年,两者合并为美国妇女选举权全国协会。一项全国性修正案的前景在本世纪初看来是暗淡的,在国家一级进展缓慢。然而,自1910年以来,推动《国家修正案》的工作得到了振兴,该运动在国家一级取得了一些成就。新成立的全国妇女党是一个由爱丽丝·保罗领导的好战的公司,它对正在进行的修正案有一个独特的关注。


Women’s Suffrage has been referred to as the right of women for voting in states of the nation individually. There had been an establishment of suffrage on partial or complete basis by several territories, states, counties and towns in the later period of 19th century, and early period of 20th century (Kevin, 974). As the right of women for voting was valid in certain locations, they started to run for public office and to gain positions as members of the school board, judges, county clerks, state legislators, and in the scenario of Jeannette Rankin, being a member related to congress. The campaign for establishing the right of women for voting within the states had been simultaneously conducted for amending the Constitution of United States that would help in the establishment of full rights within each and every state. The campaign had been successful in ratifying the 19th amendment in the year 1920 (Aidt and Bianca, 392). The demand for this legal right started gathering strength in the years of 1840s that emerged out of the wider movement for rights of women.

The first organizations of national suffrage had been established in the year 1869 when there had been a formation of two competing business organization, each of the campaign had been conducted for both, the national levels and the state levels (Kevin, 977). The National Association of Woman Suffrage led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, showed specific interest in amendment of national suffrage. The American Association of Women Suffrage, under the leadership of Lucy Stone, held the tendency of working more for the purpose at the level of state. There had been a merger between the two in the year 1890 as the National Association of American Women Suffrage. Prospects related to a national amendment appeared dim as it turned across the century, and slow progress was made at the level of state. Since the year 1910, however, there had been revitalization for driving national amendment, and the movement had been successful in enjoying a number of achievements at the level of state. The newly developed Party of National Woman, a militant company under the leadership of Alice Paul, had an exclusive focus on the amendment taking place.



