


唐纳德•特朗普(Donald trump)的胜利让股市表现良好,也让政府债券市场蒙受损失。这是一个已经观察到的有趣的趋势,并在分析中探讨了意识形态背后的可能原因。从根本上说,政府债券是由国家政府发行的债券。它是政府在定期支付利息的基础上偿还贷款,并在到期日偿还原金额的承诺。政府债券通常是基于单个国家的面值开发的(Sharpe, Alexander, & Bailey, 1999)。它也被称为主权债券。这种政府债券有许多优势和局限性(Sharpe, Alexander, & Bailey, 1999)。最重要的是,市场分析师的感知和预测问题决定了政府债券的走势。华尔街交易员本周的交易方式发生了重大变化。假设这种动态对股票有利,对政府债券不利。
政府债券在市场上表现糟糕的原因是基础设施支出的增加(Abramowicz, 2016)。这是大选前的承诺,也是特朗普获胜演讲的一个重要方面。这导致卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)和美国钢铁(US steel)等基础设施股表现更好。加强军事库存的承诺导致了洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)等库存的增加。另一方面,提高支出的承诺让美国人对美国政府的支出感到怀疑。当涉及到美国经济时,有相当多的债务担忧(Egan, 2016)。大规模减税将使财政收入减少7万亿美元。财政计划和税收计划将导致美国债务飙升。这种情况下人们担心的是经济表现(Egan, 2016)。


Donald trump victory has caused the stock market to perform well and has caused the government bond market to suffer. This is an interesting trends that has been observed and the possible reason behind the ideology is explored in this analysis. Fundamentally a government bond is the bond that is issued by the national government. It is the promise made by the government to repay the loan based on the periodic interest payment and to repay the original amount on the maturity date. The government bond is usually developed based on the individual country denomination (Sharpe, Alexander, & Bailey, 1999). It is also known as a sovereign bond. There are numerous advantages and limitations that are dependent on this government bond (Sharpe, Alexander, & Bailey, 1999). Most importantly, the issue of perception and the prediction by the market analysts determined the moving of the government bond. There is significant changes in the way the Wall Street Traders are trading this week. It is assumed that this dynamic is good for stock and bad for the government bond.
The reason for the government bonds to perform badly in the markets is the increase in the infrastructure spending (Abramowicz, 2016). This is a pre-election promise and an important aspect of the victory speech by Trump. This had caused the infrastructure stocks such as the Caterpillar (CAT) and the US steel to perform better. The promise of strengthening the military stock had caused increase in the stocks such as Lockheed Martin (LMT). On the other hand, the promise of spending higher had caused the nation to wonder about the spending of the American government. There is considerable debt worries when it comes to American economy (Egan, 2016). The massive tax cuts would reduce the revenue by $7 trillion. The fiscal plans and the tax plans would cause increase in the US debt to soar. This cases the people to worry about the performance of the economy (Egan, 2016).



