


最后的开场表演由制作团队Stargate完成。这实际上不是现场表演,因为他们播放了所有他们演唱过的歌曲的音乐视频。他们的歌曲选择不被观众和评论家喜欢,因为它不能完全符合观众的人口统计。例如,他们演奏的第一首歌曲是Wiz Khalifa的歌曲《Black and Yellow》的明确版本。这首歌是一首露骨的歌曲,不应该在众多的儿童面前播放,因为他们都是观众。在9点。当酷玩乐队(Coldplay)的腕带在彩灯下闪烁,《大独裁者》(the Great Dictator)中查理•卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)独白的音频开始播放时,这座体育场迅速走红。与此同时,烟花在天空中点燃,寒冷的乐队已经到达。起初,马丁说他答应让这个夜晚对所有的人来说都是一个伟大的夜晚。此外,他还表示,在上台之前,他度过了非常糟糕的一天。他还说,当他站在人群面前时,他感觉很棒,享受着夜晚的每一刻。酷玩乐队以他们的主题曲《A Head Full of Dreams》开始了他们的巡演。
此次巡演的主要目的是宣传专辑《Head Full of Dreams》。这是酷玩乐队2015年发行的第七张专辑。这首歌的音符是线性的。酷玩乐队演奏的歌曲包括该乐队一些老歌曲的混合。这些歌曲在过去一直深受酷玩粉丝的喜爱。其中包括《Yellow》、《Viva La Vida》和《Fix You》等歌曲。歌曲《yellow》的主题是抒情的,而Viva La Vida是围绕着一个重复的弦乐部分和数字处理钢琴而创作的,背景是定音鼓。《Fix You》这首歌是用降E大调创作的,以管风琴和钢琴的声音为特色。这首歌的开头有一个民谣和假声。教堂管风琴的声音贯穿整张专辑。有使用钢琴音符,吉他即兴段,鼓和一个唱随合唱团。在这之后,声音转移到三音符吉他线,通过一个积极的节奏上升。他们甚至演奏了一些较新的热门歌曲,如“Everyglow”和“Hymn for the Weekend”。“Everglow完全围绕着这首真挚的钢琴rif旋转。


The final opening act had been performed by the Production team, Stargate. This was not actually a live performance as they played the music videos of all the songs which had been performed by them. Their song selection was not liked by the viewers and the critics as it could not completely fit the demographics of the audience. For example, the very first song which had been played by them was the explicit version of Wiz Khalifa’s song Black and Yellow. This song was an explicit song and should not be played in front of the numerous young children who were there as an audience. At 9 p.m., the stadium went viral when the wrist bands of the Coldplay performers were flashed in the rainbow lights and the audio from a monologue of Charlie Chaplin from ‘The Great Dictator’ started to play. At the same time, fireworks were lit up in the sky and the cold play band had arrived. In the beginning Martin said that he promised to make the evening a great one for all the people. Further he stated that before coming on-stage he was having a completely crappy day. He also said that after he is there in front of the crowd, he is feeling great and enjoying each and every moment of the evening.Coldplay band opened its tour with their title song “A Head Full of Dreams”.
The main aim of the tour was to promote the album, “Head Full of Dreams”. This was the seventh album of Coldplay released in 2015. The notes used in this song were linear. The songs played by the Coldplay band included the mix of some of the older songs of this band. These songs were the ones which had been loved in the past by the Coldplay fans. This included the songs such as “Yellow”, “Viva La Vida” and “Fix You”. The theme of the song yellow is lyrical while Viva La Vida has been written around a repeating string section along with the digital processed piano and has a timpani background. The song “Fix You” has been written with the key of E Flat major and its features an organ and a piano sound. In the beginning of the song, there is a ballad and falsetto. The sound of church organ is there throughout the album. There is a use of piano notes, guitar riffs, drums and a sing along chorus. After this the sound shifts on to the three note guitar line which rises through a upbeat rhythmic tempo. They even played some of the newer hits such as “Everyglow” and “Hymn for the Weekend”. “Everglow completely revolved around the heartfelt piano rif.



