



在乔布斯的管理下,苹果是整个历史上最繁荣的公司之一。凭借出色的图案,易于使用和多面性,乔布斯能够用他的产品填满整个星球。大多数产品都有可爱的人情味,非常时尚。为了跟上现代化的步伐,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)敦促供应商制定新的目标。在乔布斯的指导下,一个由专业工程师组成的小团队想出了一些创新的措施,当他们想要创造一些创新的东西时。他与西方领导人的根本区别在于他的东方观点,这使得他更注重愿景而不是现实。使他能够想象一系列新事物,并以不同的方式思考的是精神和力量。此外,可以说,如果领导者不能回应追随者的需求,不能授权和鼓励团队,那么他就不能有效地领导。


Steven Jobs was an eminent leader who was the founder of Pixar and also Apple Company and was responsible of bringing computer to the masses and he named it as Macintosh computer. Apple Inc. was responsible for the development of mobile phones and music players; since the mobile phones had an excessive processing power; it also acted as a mini Macs by many. He was involved in the making of the movie Toy Story, with an incursion into the computer animation with his firm named Pixar. IPad was the final innovation by Jobs which was a form of tablet computer used as a substitute of PC. His vision was to expand the processing power of the human brain with the data accessible across the globe on a smaller screen. It was said that media didn’t like the innovative methods of jobs and the same was unsettling to the retail market.It would be true to say that people around the world are crazy for the products by Apple and the financial of the firm does mirror its leadership position in the marketplace.

Apple was one amongst the highly flourishing firms in the entire history under the administration of Jobs. With the outstanding patterns, easy to utilize and multifaceted, jobs was able to fill the entire planet with his products. Most of the products had an endearing human touch were extraordinarily stylish. Steve Jobs pushed vendors for fresh targets in order to keep up with the pace of the modernization. A small team of expert engineers was directed by Jobs in the firm to come up with innovative measure when they wanted to create something out of the box. The basic thing which differentiated him from the Western leaders was his eastern views and this allowed him to put more emphasis on the vision rather than the actuality. What enabled him to imagine a new sequence of things and think different was spirituality along with strength. In addition, it could be said that if the leader is not able to respond to the needs of the followers and is unable to empower and encourage the team then he is unable to lead effectively.



