


Reciprocal determinism: This was developed by Bandura. This essentially states that the person’s behaviours and the behaviourism impact the behaviours of the other person. An innate adolescent aggression that needs to be converted into motivational dynamics. An important component of connecting with the environment, behaviours and the psychological processes. In this schema, the teachers were able to gauge the responses of the students according to the ways in which they interact with the surrounding members and how they are able to reciprocate. Social learning theory is to be a bridge between the behaviourist learning theory and cognitive learning theories. This is owing to the fact that they encompass the attention, motivation and memory of the students.
Hence, it can be found that the tenets of social learning theory and the cognitive theory have been used to impart the techniques of learning the English language by the students. The next theory that will be detailed is the behaviourism theory. This is detailed in the following section.From the time immemorial, it has been observed that the infusing of the behaviourist models to promote the teaching in classrooms. The teaching is of positive and negative implications. These exists in the consequences, reinforcement, contracts, behaviours modification and extinction models. The ways in which these tools were used in the classroom during the teaching process have been elucidated in the following.
Contract: A simple contract that was used with the students was giving homework and ensuring that the child participates in classroom discussion. For the development of English languages, certain classroom activity participation was important. For the student who participated, they were able to address the issues of shyness or apprehensiveness. This was a contract where the student was appreciated for participating. By completing the assignments, the students were able to gain the knowledge and take an extra effort in the completion of the works.




