


Because the speech of King had been broadcasted to a large audience via television and radio, several controversies were involved in context with the status of copyright for the speech. In front of an audience of 250,000 demonstrators in Washington, including white population and black population, the activist of civil rights declared of having a dream that one day, his four children will be living and prospering in a country where they will not face any criticism or judgment by their colour, but by the key attributes forming their personality. Enhancing the spirit of the movement of civil right, King with his speech introduced race in the spotlight that resulted in resonating in America and even several other parts of the world. What made the speech most powerful was the element of hope, classing certain epochal speeches in the history of America, being the runner up of what had been addressed by Gettysburg.
The speech has crystalized some of the greatest gifts of King, with the most of his ability of addressing diversifying constituencies in a single speech. This was important for both reviving the souls of the ones participating in the March and for stirring the consciences beyond the greater public, while speaking about the experience of African Americans eloquently and even the wider spirit of Americans, simultaneously (King, 1985). His key intension was to provide a better meaning to old clichés and words that have strong roots with the wider notions for the Dream of America. On 28th August in the year 1963, almost a million demonstrator, white and black considered converging the capital of the United States of America for participating in the March for jobs and freedom in Washington. The inclusive vision of King for a nation brought unity in terms of religious and racial division laying emphasis on idealism and determining the movements of civil right that had been struggling since a decade of unstoppable moral and political momentum. While it was observed by a number of commentators that the March involved a negligible effect on eventually passing the Civil Rights Act of the year 1964, without denying the significance of the event that awakened the consciousness across the nation. It had been declared as the most dramatic duty of history so far in the newspaper of Britain. The speech had a major impact on the debate of public related to race in Britain.




