


整体方法用于探索性和描述性的,因为即使背后的原因情况确定,所披露的沃尔沃斯执行不力和糟糕的系统,其他原因扮演一个隐藏的角色创建这样的情况不能排除。描述性研究将提供研究的内容、原因、地点和方式。探索性研究将在识别更多的影响因素方面发挥重要作用,这些影响因素将被记录下来,并被考虑作为研究设计和使用工具的清晰度的贡献者进行调查(Roth, 2008)。

使用这两种方法的原因是,探索性的方法将使研究保持新的开放,以确定潜在的和隐藏的影响因素,在销售下降的作用(Remenyi, 2012)。此外,它还将使它的范围更广,不偏向于执着地接受两三个原因,而是包括一系列无形的销售和利润下降的原因。描述性过程的选择将阐明研究工具的关键,为研究选择的变量,研究参与者的描述,以及收集和分析数据的质量,从而得出有利可图的结论(Litosseliti, 2003)。


The overall methodology to be used here is a mix of exploratory and descriptive, because even though the reason behind the situation is identified, as disclosed by Woolworths of poor execution and poor system, other reasons playing a hidden role in the creation of such a situation cannot be ruled out. The descriptive research will provide the what, why, where, and how elements of the research. The exploratory research will play a significant role in identifying more such factors of influence to be recorded and considered for investigation as contributors for the clarity of research designs and tools to be used (Roth, 2008).

The reason for using these two methods is that the exploratory method will keep the research open to new identification of the underlying and hidden influential factors that have played a role in declining sales (Remenyi, 2012). In addition, it will also keep it broader and not be biased to a fixated acceptance of two or three reasons but include a range of reasons which has invisibly declined sales and profits. The selection of descriptive process will formulate the crux of the research tools, the variables to be selected for the research, the description of the research participants, and the quality of data that is to be gathered and analysed for lucrative conclusion (Litosseliti, 2003).



