


第一个建议是培训专业人员。只有当这个行业的人之间进行知识交流时才会发生这种情况。培训不仅应该发生在治疗师的地位,也应该发生在财务和管理的地位。这将使人力资源更好地了解这个行业和提供优质服务的需要。由于它是一个不断增长的市场,它为人们提供了很多机会。这必须以一种有效的方式传达给人力资源部门,以便他们了解技能发展的重要性以及他们能够确保对行业的转型。水疗体验必须通过模拟和工作场所的文化环境来训练。这种经验当然可以在客户处理和客户满意度方面教育学员(Cohen和Bodekar, 2008)。
由于顾客大多来自精英阶层和中上层阶级,如果服务到位,经济无疑会繁荣起来。休闲产业现在每年至少以两位数的速度增长。必须拨出必要的预算来应付这项挑战。第二个建议是了解酒店和温泉的区别。酒店经营餐饮行业,而度假村和水疗中心经营休闲行业。后者受到酒店业的影响,游客的数量并不稀少。在这种情况下,行业必须为客户建立服务协议和处理方法(Cohen和Bodekar, 2008)。这些协议将告知业主客户的必需品,以及水疗可以为健康产业带来的好处。服务计划应作为公众关注的框架,以便更多地了解所需的服务解决方案和创新领域。


The first recommendation is to work on training of professionals. This happens only when the knowledge exchange occurs between people in this industry. The training should happen to people not just in therapist status but also at financial and management statuses. These will let the human resources understand better about the industry and the need to offer quality services. As it is a growing market, it offers a lot of opportunities to people. This has to be conveyed to the human resources in an effective way so that they understand the importance of skill development and the transformation that they can ensure to the industry. The spa experience has to be trained with simulations and exposures to cultures of workplace. This experience can certainly educate the trainees on customer handling and customer satisfaction (Cohen and Bodekar, 2008).
As the customers are preferably from the elite and upper middle class groups, the economy is undoubtedly going to boom if the service is offered rightly. The leisure industry is now growing by minimum of double digits every year. Training area has to be allocated with necessary budgets to overcome the challenge. The second recommendation is to understand the difference between hotel and spas. While hotel deals with the food and beverage industry, resort and spa deals with leisure industry. The latter is influenced by the hospitality industry and there is no scarce in the number of visitors. In such a case, the industry has to establish the service agreement and treatment methodologies to customers (Cohen and Bodekar, 2008). These agreements will inform the owners on the necessities of customers and the benefits that the spas can add to the wellness industry. The service plan should be created as a framework with public concerns to understand more on the service solutions and areas of innovation required.



