


随着商业世界竞争的日益激烈,要求经理们出类拔萃的压力是无法克服的。在这种情况下,管理者使用的方法描述了他对道德领导的方法。今天,道德领导模式的研究在世界范围内变得越来越重要。雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)和安然(Enron)等公司倒闭,或者整个房地产业因缺乏职业道德的领导而崩溃,这些例子重新让人们有必要更加清楚地了解这个问题。Green and Odom(2003)指出,由于不道德的领导,安然数千名员工遭受了损失,这也吸引了政府更高的监管,同时动摇了消费者对金融行业的信心(Thompson, 2010)。

因此,由于此类事件的发生,商业世界在规划纳入伦理的战略时变得更加谨慎,他们也认识到这种方法有助于获得利润(Moss, 2002)。为了确保公司有道德的经营方式,最好的方法是把权力交给有说服力的道德领袖(Mackie, Taylor, Finegold, Darr, & Singer, 2006)。根据Plinio, Young和Lavery(2010)所做的深入的定性研究,在当今缺乏道德领导或不良的道德行为是公司面临的最严重的问题之一。此外,由于糟糕的例子和困难的市场形势,员工正在失去他们的领导者的信心。缺乏有道德的领导使情况复杂化,往往导致在组织的各个层次上鼓励员工的不当行为。


With ever increasing competition in the world of business, there is insurmountable pressure on the managers to excel. In such scenarios, the methods used by the managers depict his approach to the ethical leadership. Today the study of models of ethical leadership is gaining importance throughout the world. Examples of collapse of companies like Lehman Brothers and Enron or crash of entire housing industry due to unethical leadership have reinstated the need for understanding the subject with greater clarity. Green and Odom (2003) states that because of unethical leadership, several thousand of Enron employees suffered and this also attracted higher regulations from government along with shaking the confidence of consumer in financial industry (Thompson, 2010).

Thus because of such incidences, the business world has become more careful in planning their strategies to incorporate ethics and they have also learned that this method help in gaining profitability (Moss, 2002).To ensure that the company is having ethical way of running business, the best way is to put powers in the hands of compelling ethical leader (Mackie, Taylor, Finegold, Darr, & Singer, 2006). As per the thorough qualitative research done by Plinio, Young, and Lavery (2010) that in today’s scenario lacking ethical leadership or having poor ethical behavior is among the most grave issues faced by the companies. Furthermore, due to poor examples and difficult market situations, employees are losing their faith in their leaders. The lack of ethical leadership complicates the situations and often results in encouraging employee’s misconduct at various levels in an organization.



