


同伴的压力导致女性做出可能导致她们吸毒的选择。在特别脆弱的群体中,女性将被迫在同龄人的压力下尝试毒品。一项对妇女进行了三年的研究表明,8岁和22岁年龄组的女孩和年轻妇女可能出于各种不同的原因尝试毒品,但大多数人说她们在同龄人的压力下使用毒品。研究表明,女孩和男孩可能出于不同的原因使用药物(Ressler, 2008)。女性可能会有自卑的问题,她们可能会使用药物,因为她们在同龄人的压力下不得不遵从,而自卑的因素会促使她们去尝试。与男性相比,女性更容易对毒品上瘾,因此她们也会因吸食毒品而承受更大的后果。



Peer pressure leads women to make choices that might lead them to drug abuse. Female population in especially vulnerable circles will be forced to try drugs under peer pressure. A study conducted on women for a time period of three years indicates that girls and young women in the age group of 8 and 22 might try drugs for a different variety of reasons, but most of them stated that they used drugs under peer pressure. The study revealed that girls and boys might use drugs for different reasons (Ressler, 2008). Women might suffer from issues of low self-esteem, they might use drugs because they were under peer pressure to conform and the addition of the low self-esteem motivates them to try. Women also become addicted to drugs much more faster compared to that of men and hence they suffer extended consequences of using the drug as well.

Studies conducted on women and their eating issues indicate that most young women might take up to drug abuse because of an eating disorder they have or were about to develop. Greenfield et al (2010) in their research report that around ninety cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are associated with women. In this context it can hence be inferred that eating related disorders hence occur more in the case of the woman compared to the men. Women with eating disorders are seen to have very high levels of substance abuse in the form of prescription or non-prescription drugs. Women use drugs as diuretics or for purging purposes in the case of bulimia. Researchers have noted that women with an eating disorder were more likely to also have a drug use disorder.



