


虽然非洲和亚洲国家的人民没有得到足够的艾滋病毒设施,但这是当局针对的问题之一。药剂师和政府卫生官员也在考虑将疟疾和结核病作为该国的主要疾病。目前在这些国家中还有一些其他疾病没有被认为是主要杀手。但如果对未来15年进行分析,心脏病、肾衰竭和癌症将是这些地区大多数死亡的原因。如今,该地区25%的死亡是由这些原因造成的,而世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)预测,到2030年,这些原因将导致42%的死亡(诺华制药(Novartis), 2014年)。

人们注意到非洲和亚洲贫穷地区的卫生设施落后和不足。根据一份报告,健康诊所每年花费在每个病人身上的钱不到100美元(Wertheim, Horby & Woodall, 2012)。在农村地区,情况更糟。每名患者的支出甚至更低,在农村地区往往没有医疗专家。该区域缺乏设备和工具,这些设备和工具有增加慢性病死亡率的危险。所有这些问题构成了该地区缺乏卫生设施的状况。


Though people of African and Asian countries are not receiving enough facilities for HIV, this is included in the targeted problems by the authorities. Malaria and Tuberculosis are also under consideration by pharmacists and government health officials as major diseases of the country. There are certain other diseases which are not considered as major killers in these countries at present. But if next 15 years are analyzed, heart diseases, kidney failures and cancer will be the reason of most deaths in these regions. Today, 25% deaths in the region occur due to these causes, while the World Health Organization has predicted that in 2030, these causes will result in 42% deaths (Novartis, 2014).

The health facilities in poor African and Asian region have been noticed to be lagging and insufficient. According to a report, the health clinics spend less than $100 per year per patient (Wertheim, Horby & Woodall, 2012). In rural areas, the situation is worse. Per patient expenditure is even lower and often there is no medical specialist available in the rural areas. There is lack of equipment and tools in the region which pose danger of increasing the rate of death through chronic diseases. These all problems frame up a lack of access to health facilities in the region.



