


偏见是一个模糊的事件,体验者可能无法识别偏见的本质。种族偏见、年龄偏见、美食偏见、能力基础偏见、宗教偏见、体重或大小偏见、性别基础偏见是工作和家庭中各种各样的人最常见的偏见形式。例如,少数民族在被视为美国白人的替代品时,往往是偏见的受害者(Pinel, 1999)。美国白人在经历明显的偏见和认知障碍时感到被排斥,而美国黑人和少数族裔在经历模糊的偏见证据时感到认知障碍。美国黑人在遭受模糊偏见的情况下,更有可能出现认知障碍,而不是发展出应对紧急情况的能力。当美国白人体验到有模糊证据的偏见时,他们会感到被拒绝。

因此,这两组人更有可能因为偏见经历而有不同的损害。白人无法在困难的环境中应对和成长,黑人也无法发展自己的自尊和积极地为自己思考(Inman & Baron, 1996)。作者在他们的研究中使用了Stroop色彩命名任务,该任务考虑了对不同颜色的部署注意作为参考指标。作者假设美国白人和黑人受试者在不同的水平上认知的高级功能会被耗尽。他们假设在模糊偏见条件下,美国黑人的Stroop表现会更差,因为这取决于被试的属性和不确定性。他们还假设,美国白人在公然的偏见条件下会表现得更差,因为他们不习惯在职业环境中经历任何模糊的偏见。


Prejudice is an ambiguous event and the experiencer will probably not be able to identify the very nature of prejudice. Racial prejudice, age prejudice, cate prejudice, ability base prejudice, religion, weight or size, and gender based prejudice are the most common forms of prejudice which are seen in work and at home among all kinds of people. For example, ethnic minorities are the ones who are mostly victims of prejudice when being considered as substitutes with the white Americans (Pinel, 1999). White Americans feel excluded when they experience blatant prejudice and undergo cognitive impairment, whereas Black Americans and ethnic minorities undergo cognitive impairment when they experience ambiguous evidence of prejudice. Black Americans are more likely to undergo cognitive impairment and not develop coping abilities in pressing situations when they undergo ambiguous prejudice. White Americans feel rejected when they experience prejudice having ambiguous evidence.

Thus, both set of people are more likely to have different impairment due to prejudice experiences. The Whites are unable to cope in difficult situations and grow, and the Blacks are not able to develop their own self-esteem and think positively for themselves (Inman & Baron, 1996). The authors in their research used the Stroop colour naming task which considered the deployed attention to different colours as the indicator of reference. The authors assumed that the higher level function of cognition will be depleted at different levels for the White and Black American subjects. They assumed that the Black Americans would display a worse Stroop performance during the ambiguous prejudice condition because it will be judged depending on the attributes of the subjects and its uncertainty. They also assumed that the White Americans will display worse Stroop performance in the blatant prejudice condition because they would not be accustomed to experience any ambiguous prejudice in a professional environment.



