

本文主要讲吉普赛人,正如俄罗斯和乌克兰收养组织(FRUA)的家庭所指出的,吉普赛一词很少被认为是贬义的。早些时候,这些人被认为是从埃及移民过来的。然而,根据Rai等人(2012)的研究,吉普赛人群体有一种特殊的Y染色体和线粒体DNA,主要存在于南亚人群中。因此,我们得出的结论是,大约1500年前,这些人从印度移民到了欧洲。这些罗姆人被统称为吉普赛人。这些罗姆人被称为吉普赛人的主要原因是,他们被认为来自埃及。“吉普赛人”一词“源自于拜占庭帝国最后几个世纪里信奉巫术和占卜的摩尼教”(Rai, 2012, p. 1)。本篇利物浦论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The term Gypsy is considered as little derogative, as stated by the Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption organization (FRUA).Earlier these people were believed to have migrated from Egypt. However, according to the study of Rai et al (2012), the Romani population has a particular kind of Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA that is mainly found in the population of South Asia. Therefore, it has been concluded that these people had migrated to Europe from India, around 1500 years ago. These Romani people are collectively called as Gypsy. The main reason that these people Roma people are called as Gypsies, is that they were thought to come from Egypt. The term ‘gypcians’ had been “derived from a designation for a Manichaean sect that practiced sorcery and soothsaying in the last centuries of the Byzantine Empire (Rai, 2012, p. 1).
Some of the studies have also focused on the linguistic grounds of the Gypsy people and had concluded that these people have Indian origin. Matras (2004) found that various language dialectics spoken by the Roma people have been significantly derived from the North India and specifically from the state of Punjab . The Romani people or the travelers are divided in many ethnic groups that may have simple difference in their culture, yet they share common ties. Som of the ethnic groups that are considered as the Roma are the “Romanichals of England, Beyash from Croatia, the Kalé of Wales and Finland, Romanlar from Turkey and Domari from Palestine and Egypt” (Bradford, 2017, p. 1).
One of the significant aspect of the life of these people is that they are considered to be travelers and suspicious. These people have to stay on continuous travel for the matter of survival that developed the image of nomadic lifestyle and insular culture (Bradford, 2017). But, these people have faced and are still facing discriminations in the society due to their style of living. These people faced discrimination due to color of their skin that also threw them to enslavement by Europeans. Until the middle of the 19th century Romanies were slaves. These people were freed from slavery under the European Enlightenment.




