
留学 论文代写:马赛克艺术

留学 论文代写:马赛克艺术

马赛克图案从公元300年拜占庭时期开始盛行(Preziosi, 1998)。马赛克艺术形式也可以在基督教时期看到,装饰物主要是由几何形状和设计相似的同质材料制成(Preziosi, 1998)。这表明像素艺术的根源和起源的证据。它可以追溯到非常文明的时期。由此也向人们展示了像素艺术一直以这样或那样的形式存在于公民社会中。这些像素艺术的使用媒介可能有所不同,但一些基本的动态一直被观察到是相同的。马赛克设计的概念出现在哥特复兴和新艺术运动(Preziosi, 1998)。使用十字绣,创造马赛克元素,形成有趣的图像是像素艺术的特点。在这些传统艺术形式中也可以看到这一点。

留学 论文代写:马赛克艺术
从历史形式中观察到的另一个有趣的因素是,像素艺术被认为存在于不同文化的许多媒介中,比如十字绣就是一种表达(Chen, 2001)。其他的艺术形式也出现在世界的许多地方。像素最初是从手工线条艺术发展而来的。这随后在计算机中绘制出来。像素艺术被认为是一种当代艺术,但实际上它是一种可以追溯到1884年像素艺术形式的复兴(Lyon, 2006)。像素艺术这个术语起源于19世纪的德国。它最初被称为“Bildpunkte”字面意思是图片点(Lyon, 2006)。1927年在《无线世界》杂志上发表。这说明了像素这一术语的诞生以及像素艺术形式的历史意义。从很多方面来说,它们是一种被低估的艺术形式,直到最近才得到重视。

留学 论文代写:马赛克艺术

Mosaic patterns were prevalent from Byzantine times in 300 AD (Preziosi, 1998). The mosaic art form is also seen in Christian era where the ornaments were made predominately from homogenous materials that were similar in geometric shape and design (Preziosi, 1998). This shows evidence of pixel art form roots and its origins. It is found to date back to very civilization periods. From this it also shows the people that pixel art has always remained in civil societies either in one form or the others. The mediums of usage of these pixel art might have varied but some fundamental dynamics has been observed to be the same throughout the ages. The concepts of mosaic design were seen during Gothic revival and Art Nouveau movement (Preziosi, 1998). The usage of cross-stitch, creation of mosaic elements and forming interesting imageries are the characteristic features of pixel art. This is observed in these traditional art forms as well.

留学 论文代写:马赛克艺术
Another interesting factor that was observed from historical forms was that pixel art was seen to be present in many mediums across the different cultures such cross stitch is one expression (Chen, 2001). Other artistic forms were seen in many parts of the world. Pixels were initially developed from handmade line art. This was subsequently drawn in computers. Pixel art is considered to be a contemporary art but it is actually a resurgence of the pixel art form that dates back to 1884 (Lyon, 2006). The term pixel art has its origin from 19th century Germany. It was initially referred to as “Bildpunkte” literally meaning picture points (Lyon, 2006). In 1927 it was published in Wireless world magazines. This shows the inception of the term of pixel and the historical significance of the Pixel art form. In many ways they were an underrated art form that has only recently gained prominence.



