


性别被认为是个体最好的犯罪行为预测因子,因为人们认为男性犯罪较多,女性犯罪较少。这种差异在犯罪学理论中是显而易见的,几乎对每个社会和群体,对每个犯罪类别(Polk, 1999)。这一事实的普遍性在性质上是非常显著的。大多数了解犯罪的措施和研究工作都集中于男子所犯的罪行,因为按照传统的犯罪学制度,男子加强了犯罪行为的参与。然而,同样重要的是承认女性所犯的罪行,这些罪行在犯罪心理学传统研究中被完全排除在外(Polk, 1999)。这里可以引用一个例子。重要的是要了解为什么妇女纵情于犯罪较男子少的原因,这可以帮助阐明犯罪的根本原因。这也可以说明如何更好地控制它。
然而,这篇文章的观点是,年轻女性同样容易受到犯罪和暴力的伤害。近10年来,涌现出了丰富而复杂的女性犯罪文学(Salter, 2016)。这尤其因为不仅是青年男子成员,而且社会经济背景较低的妇女成员也走上了犯罪的道路。同样值得注意的是,通过犯罪学家发展起来的解释年轻男性犯罪的传统犯罪理论,对于解释年轻女性犯罪并不是同等重要的(Salter, 2016)。传统的犯罪因果因素理论,包括社会控制、差异联想和失范等,同样适用于男性和女性犯罪。对于这些成员来说,犯罪行为通过较弱的社会纽带和对风险感知较低且与犯罪性质关联较低的父母的控制得到增强(Salter, 2016)。


Gender is regarded as the individual best criminal behaviour predictor as it is considered that men indulge in committing more crimes and lesser crimes are committed by women. Such differentiation is evident across criminological theories for almost every society and group and for every category of crime (Polk, 1999). This facts universality is very much remarkable in nature. Most measures and research works for understanding crime have focused over crime committed by men as men have enhanced criminal behaviour involvement as per traditional criminological systems. Still it is essential equally to acknowledge the crime committed by females which were completely left out through criminal psychological traditional studies (Polk, 1999). An example can be quoted here. It is essential to learn the reason why women indulge in committing lesser crime in comparison to men can help in illuminating the underlying crime based causes. This can also illuminate the way in which it can be controlled better.
However, this essay is of the notion that young women are also equally vulnerable to crime and violence. Now, the female criminality rich and complex literature has emerged over the previous 10 years (Salter, 2016). This is especially because it is not only the young men members but also the women members of the society with lower socio-economic background that have taken towards crime. It is an issue also to note that traditional crime theories that were developed through criminologists for explaining the crime of young males are not essential equally to explain the crime of young females (Salter, 2016). Traditional theories of crime based causal factors identified inclusive of society control and association of differential as well as anomie are applicable equally to women and men committing offense. For these members, the criminal behaviour gets enhanced through weaker bonds socially and controls of parents with lower risk perception and association of delinquent nature (Salter, 2016).



