


柯达的竞争对手包括富士胶片(Fuji Films)、索尼(Sony)和佳能(Canon)等。他们的经营范围是跨领域的,也有当地的威胁和竞争对手,该公司应该解决(Najrani, 2016)。公司目前的竞争优势分析如下。价值:柯达品牌形象是公司生存的理由。评估框架时要问的基本问题是,如果某个特定的风险为产品增加了价值。研究发现,企业流程再造和收购的过程为企业增加了价值。这是因为他们已经拥有巨大的品牌资产,这将使公司获得竞争优势(Najrani, 2016)。他们专注于在新兴市场销售产品以获得现金流,同时投资于研发企业。这确实给公司增加了价值。罕见:服务消费者所需的产品并不罕见。他们在数字媒体工具上投资晚了。因此,他们目前处于明显的劣势(Najrani, 2016)。
索尼(Sony)和佳能(Canon)等公司很早就接受了新技术。他们通过提供高效的新技术抓住了最初的柯达消费者(Whiteley, 2008)。柯达开发的产品和他们作为供应品所需要的产品并不罕见。它们很容易制造。然而,唯一的可取之处是它是一家知名公司。可模仿性:很容易模仿的产品目前正在开发的公司。制造成本是一样的。由于柯达是一家成熟的公司,他们拥有生产更多产品的资源。人们认为创建产品很容易。组织:变更管理由公司尚未完全接受。行业分析人士指出,该公司的中层管理需要改变,以应对当前形势的要求(Najrani, 2016)。公司的许多业务需要外包,以降低劳动力成本,公司内部组织的改善势在必行。从VRIO的分析可以明显看出,品牌形象使公司能够在当前的时代保持下去。


Competitors for Kodak are Fuji Films, Sony and Canon to name a few. They are operating across the spectrum and there are also local threats and competitors that the company should address (Najrani, 2016). Current competitive advantage of the company has been analyzed in the following.Value: Kodak brand image is the reason for survival of the company. The fundamental question to ask when evaluating the framework is that if a particular venture adds value to a product. It has been found that this process of Business process reengineering and acquisitions by the company had added value to the company. This is because they already have immense brand equity this would allow the company to gain competitive advantage (Najrani, 2016). They focused on selling products in emerging markets for cash flow while investing in research and development ventures. This had indeed added value to the company. Rarity :Products that are required to service the consumers are not rare. They were late in investing in digital media tools. Owing to which they are currently at a stark disadvantage (Najrani, 2016).
Companies like Sony and Canon embraced newer technology at a very early stage. They had seized the original Kodak consumers by providing them with newer technology that was highly efficient (Whiteley, 2008). The products that are developed by Kodak and the products that they require as supplies are not rare. They can be easily manufactured. Nevertheless the only redeeming factor is that it is a renowned company. Imitability :It is quite easy to imitate the products that are currently developed by the company. Cost of manufacturing is quite the same. Since Kodak is an established company they have the resources for production of larger number of products. It is considered easy to create the product.Organization:Change management has not been fully embraced by the company. The industry analysts point to the fact that the company’s middle management needs to change to cope with the current requirements of the situation (Najrani, 2016). Many of the operations of the company need to be outsourced to reduce labor costs and there is an imperative need for better internal organization of the company. From the VRIO analysis it is clear that the brand image has enabled the company to sustain in the current times.



