

本文主要讲数据与问卷调查,在这些问题中,人们最关心的是游客是否预先计划好了去巴伦西亚的行程,他们选择巴伦西亚的原因是当地的环境和基础设施,以及游客所享受的夜生活程度。餐厅和放纵是通过一些问题来评估的,而使瓦伦西亚有别于其他城市的因素仍然是问卷调查的重点。这些允许相关的问题发展,可以立即回答任何游客的瓦伦西亚。数据收集通过电子邮件和网站即surveymonkey.com (Molina et al., 2015)。数据以数字方式收集,以确保参与者能够在方便和舒适的情况下提供响应。这被认为是为了确保响应不是匆忙提供的,并且所有的响应都是经过深思熟虑的和准确的。本篇伦敦论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The primary area of concern across the questions was the nature of visit being pre-planning or prompts nature of visit to Valencia, environment and infrastructure to be the reasons behind the selection of Valencia and extent of the nightlife enjoyed by the visitors. Dining and indulgence was evaluated through some of the questions and the factor that makes Valencia distinct from other cities that can be visited remained within the focus of the questionnaire. These allowed relevant questions to be developed that can be instantly answered by any visitor of Valencia. The data was collected through the email and website namely surveymonkey.com (Molina et al., 2015). The data was collected in a digital manner to ensure that the participants can provide with the responses at their own convenience and comfort. This was considered to ensure that the responses are not provided in hurry and all the responses are well thought and accurate.
Total of 70 participants were recruited for this study through uploading the questionnaire at the SurveyMonkey.com. The participants were recruited on the basis of their last visit to Valencia and their home to be located in Europe. This allowed ensuring that all the participants within the study are visitors of Valencia and not locals (López-Guzmán et al., 2014). The technique used within this research project was the random sampling method. This was possible as the focus within the population sampling was on the individual to be a traveller and of European origin. Age was another criterion that was considered in the sampling of the participants. Therefore, the age of sample population ranges from 18 years to 55 years. This criteria was undertaken to ensure that visitors of all age groups are included within the research and an overview of the factors that commonly motivate them to visit Valencia. The response rate achieved with the use of the SurveyMonkey.com was 100 per cent (López-Guzmán et al., 2014). It was found that the 70 out of 70 respondents had responded to the questionnaire survey. Therefore, all the participants that were initially reached through the Survey Monkey, com and email had replied to the survey. The participants were made aware of the voluntary nature of the survey and the research. This was ensured through providing with a disclaimer and declaration along with the questionnaire.




